
Why are there missing children signs up in my city for Caylee Anthony (Missing Flordia Girl) ..... ??

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  1. because if she was kidnapped, then the kidnappers could go anywhere!  Think of it this way--if your child or a relative was missing, would you want help from any and every where?  Or would you only want the people in you area to know about it?

  2. Because one of the parts of the investigation on her disappearance is that she could have been kidnapped and, in that case, no one knows where she was taken.

    If the little girl were YOUR child, don't you want the authorities to cover all the bases possible???    I would if she were my child!!

  3. Just because she was kidnapped in Florida doesnt mean the ppl that have her stayed in Florida ..they could be anywhere in the world ... including Canada.... relax and keep an eye out for the little girl,,you could be the one to get her back home to her parents.

  4. B/C maybe she ran away to Canada or is suspected of going there or maybe taken there! If you were missing, say you got kidnapped or something, wouldn't you want fliers of you up all over the world so you could make it back home to your family as safe as possible?  Or better yet, what if it were your child that was missing?  Wouldn't you want law enforcement to be doing what they thought they needed to do to find them??????   I hope you have a different way of thinking about things now!

  5. that girl has been missing for awhile. its all over msnbc. they even had a mobile truck going by saying asking for help and stuff.

  6. Because kidnappers who think things through like to get as far away as possible from the scene of the crime?

  7. For the same reason there were pictures of the little girl Madeline all over Europe.  The british girl was snatched from her holiday apartment in Portugal 15 months ago.To alert people!!!. Iam guessing you don't have any kids?

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