
Why are there more events for the men's gymnastics than the female?

by  |  earlier

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the females have 4 and the guys have 6 why?




  1. Traditionally they just havent got as many! All the events exist because they are long standing events that people have always taken part in. It's just the way it is! They arent going to invent something new just to make it equal.

    They dont say "Oh well athletics has a 100m, 200m, 400m, 800m etc etc, so we must make Rowing the same to make it equal!"

    It's just not done that way - the events exist as part of tradition!  

  2. Men's gymnastics were established in the 1900 Olympics, women's gymnastics were established in 1928.

    My guess is that some of the men's apparatus (e.g. the rings) require more brute strength than grace, so they were not included in the women's program.

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