
Why are there more female doctors curing men deseases than male doctors?

by  |  earlier

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like how girls decide that?

a girl woke up and say i want to do that?

..u know what i mean right?




  1. what is the specialization of these women?

    is it skin diseases ?

    if so, it could be understood bec she can be very clever at finding what is wrong in women and men , too.

    female doctors are skilful , ma sha allah.

  2. Doctors take an oath of impartiality when they begin to practice.

    Your question can be compared to saying that male doctors shouldn't be gynaecologists ...and that is nonsense!

    I suspect that most female doctors who read this would laugh - what does the gender of your doctor have to do with anything?

    I am sure that women don't dream of doing this job as if it is a great privlelege!!

    I do know that in Egypt women who train to be 'dermatologists' must also qualify as androgonists in their medical exams so perhaps there are too many dermatologists and they just have to do this job because they need to practise as medics and to make a living - as we all do.

  3. because  people always think that females arent as good as males so when she proves she is even more better  u all are surprised

    HEY alb....when a girl is raped dont u feel it is weird that a MALE police officer investigate this crime and ask this RAPED GIRL some questions?

  4. lol

  5. Women have a maternal instinct for protection of life. Just like there are almost no men against abortion. So women have a tendency to become doctors, so they can feed that instinct and help people. Therefore, there are more women doctors in general, increasing the likeliness that a doctor that finds a cure will be female. Kind of like, construction workers, how many females are there? How many males?

  6. I know what you mean.

    Where I'm from, Malaysia, we have more male gynaecologists and obstetricians than female.

    I was embarrassed the first time I consulted one, but now, having had numerous experiences with a few male gynaes, I realize we are no more to them than body parts.

  7. Why you asking this?

    Do you have something to be ashamed of down there and afraid a female doctor will see it?

  8. the most amazing thing is that women proved that they`re good & even more qualified in many fields than men !

    Edit : I don`t think that shyness is a problem anymore.


  9. I guess it's for the same reason that makes the male gynecologist more than the female ones !!

    "El nas Azwa2 ya akh aldonbonn"  ",)

  10. yes

    i know what you mean


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