
Why are there more homeless men than there are homeless women?

by Guest32851  |  earlier

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For all the misguided feminists that continue to say that it's easier to be a male and that males get more priveleges (lies) -- why are there far more homeless men than there are homeless women?

Now, some theories I came up with:

-Women get taken in to shelters more

-Women with kids can get welfare.

-Women can just latch on to some guy with a home to take her under his wing.

Interesting, because this goes back to my repeated point about women being the more selfish gender. Generally, men on the verge of homelessness are not taken in by other women. Women will thumb her nose at him, consider him a loser, or stay away from him since women usually want men to be the providers, and not the other way around. But men will help a woman on the verge of homelessness.




  1. I help out in a homeless shelter in my city. I have taken people in my own house when they are full. yes there are many men out there because of lots of reason. there are lots of families there also

    Many men and women are thrown out after coming home from Iraq and many men are thrown out from divorces and false DV claims. I am trying to get a homeless man into the shelter now. he is too proud to take any handouts but I will keep working on it.

    and YES i have taken him in to my home and gave him food and a place to stay. NOT ALL WOMAN are selfish Thank you

  2. 1. Men have a higher instance of drug addiction.

    2. Men have a higher instance of untreated mental illness.

    It has nothing to do with women's "selfishness", though I wouldn't call it "selfish" to want a roof over one's head.

  3. one reason is that men take more risks wit their finances and loose everything. Its kinda stupid.

  4. Exactly... Men pay the vast majority of taxes but women get the vast majoprity of 'benefits'.

    It's a sexist world [against men that is].

  5. Society ordains that more charity be shown to women than to men. The reason being is that people are far more likely to sympathize with the plight of women than they are to that of a man.

  6. - Men usually get taken to the cleaners during a divorce, and it's usually the woman who walks away with the most assets

    - If a man loses his job, the wife will probably divorce him. Depending on the divorce decree,  the man may end up homeless.

    - Schools (universities and high schools) are biased against men and forbid boys to be boys or men. So the boys get an inferior education and have less job prospects. Universities admit more women than men because of gender quotas.

  7. All I can say it, you are correct.  I think your theories sum it up quite well.


    Very eye opening question. Of course a few people still try to twist the logic and make it sound like a "coincidence".

  9. Well my friend most men are too proud and won't accept hand outs or help from women these homeless men are usually this type of person, use to be hard workers and for some reason or another failed on their journey and ended up on the street.

    But rest assure there also is alot of men who would live off the woman being the provider as i have been in that possition, by the way i'm female and talking thru experrience.

    I too use to live on the streets and that was too get experrience not cos i needed too.

  10. Many of those homeless men are war veterans who are dealing with drug addiction and post-traumatic stress syndrome. Since women have been excluded from combat in wars, it's understandable as to why there are fewer homeless women. I'm sure if women were put into combat, there would be more of them who are homeless, too. It's shameful as to how people who served our country are discarded this way when they are no longer needed.

  11. Feminists say they want equality. They don't.

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