
Why are there more young people attending Anzac day commemorations?

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Why are there more young people attending Anzac day commemorations?




  1. Because most of them realise that none of them had to and probably won't have to go and die in some foreign country either to protect us or for any other reason.

    Inflation is out of control and people are finding some things harder than they were, but are very thankful that having to go to war isn't one of them. Personally I don't think that remembering people who died glorifies war, it reminds us just how horrible it is, and what it costs.

  2. Well clearly unlike the Ancient person above, i am a young person who regularly attends A.N.Z.A.C day commemorations, i think the youth go to support and thank the Veterans for putting there life on the line to preserve the freedom of Australia, so many Aussie diggers have died due to War, A.N.Z.A.C day is a day were we can reflect on the many thousands of people who died fighting for Australia. My grandfather was in the army and although he died when i was very young most likely due to the chemicals he was exposed to during war, he was still able to share stories with myself and my father that i will remember, cherish and pass on to my children. He was a fantastic, brave and gentle man, A.N.Z.A.C day is a day i can remember him.

    The families of the people who have died have every right to march and take part in the commemoration ceremony's they are the ones who have supported the solider on his return, and they are the ones that will remember that person for the rest of their lives.

    I the person above sounds like he is an inconsiderate and sour person, clearly you have never been to war have no right to say the hurtful things he has said...  "might" have been conscripted to fight in Vietnam, doesn't cut it for me. Ask someone for their experience of war and their idea of the commemoration ceremony's maybe you should even attended one, especially the dawn service and see how powerful they are before you go blurting out about things you don't know much about!

    I also strongly believe that the majority of the young people today want to face there past and learn about and then from it it as opposed running away from it.

    I am very grateful to all the people who have risked there lives to help preserve Australians freedom, or helped other countries through peacekeeping, i will always be :)

  3. I think it's because they, the youth of Australia, realise that without them Anzac Day will just fade into a memory.

    The majority of young people, are aware of the true meaning of the day and want to see the commemorations continue.

    The vast majority are not at all like the few we hear about in the "bad news stories" in the media.

    Mostly, they are young Australians, who we older Australians have every right to be proud of.


    I beg to differ with the comment that Anzac Day "glorifies war".

    In my opinion, what Anzac Day does do is that it brings home the fact to everyone that there is no glory in war.

    War brings only misery, heartache, broken lives, and death.

  4. Because old farts like me, who might have been conscripted to fight in Vietnam, won't go anywhere near anything that looks like it could remotely glorify war.  Younger folk have not had that particular experience - war is something that won't happen to them.  And anyway, the movies tell them that only baddies die.

    I would love the ANZAC Day march to wither and die in its current form.  I think that relatives should not march, and should not perpetuate the tradition.   The lack of veterans of any war would be a wonderful result.  It would mean we have had no significant war for a couple of generations.

    Let there be a military parade of currently serving servicefolk, but if there are no veterans no one else should march.

    To the young warmonger below - no.  I have not been to war.  Nor have you.  One thing I have done is represent a lot of diggers trying to get pensions as a result of their war service.   WW2, Korea & Vietnam. In fact, after I  took a case to the High Court, they changed the legislation to defeat what I (that is me, personally) achieved for diggers.  I am quite proud of that.  

    I can assure you that the vast majority would not want anyone else to have to go to war.  Perhaps you should ask your relatives that question.

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