
Why are there never any "community activists" in the predominantly white suburbs?

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I agree that we don't need them and we don't buy their c**p. As for the neighbor watch, etc., those are usually formed by the members of the community themselves. We don't need a "community organizer" to come in a teach us how to work together to shake people down. I can't believe people are going to vote for someone who made a career as a "community activist". What a bunch of vote buying, racial politics c**p.




  1. Well, their kids go elsewhere to buy their drugs.

  2. We have them:

    It helps keep our cars from being broken into and our bicycles stolen.

  3. Because we don't swallow the c**p they're selling. "Community Activists" take advantage of the people they "serve" by telling them one side of the story while under the premise of helping everyone. Recently in our local paper they kept publishing article after article after article about the "Get out the vote" drives all over, making it sound non-partisan but yet they were only going to lower income black and latino areas of the city. Do you think any of them mentioned McCain even once? LOL!

    Besides, records are sketchy, so companies like ACORN can go into Milwaukee and turn in voter registration cards where so far 22% don't match drivers license records. Hmmm, hired by the Democrats to scour lower income black and latino communities. Why? Because there is a good chance they won't vote and they can have others go in their place. No ID required in WI. Nice thing too is that they can vote dozens of times on that day. 2004 had 4,000 more votes than registered voters in Milwaukee alone in a state where the Democrats won bt 11,000 votes.

    Funny thing, Democrats keep blocking voter ID legislation and Democrats won't allow local voting officials to bounce their recent registration cards against DL records to clean them up. It would be "too much of a burden on them". Who disenfranchises voters? I can guarantee, 100% that my vote didn't count last election because of voter fraud by the Democrats. 100% guaranteed.

    The don't go to the white communities because we're not so easily duped and not so easily manipulated.

  4. Last time I checked, there are things like Rape Crisis Centers and people that try to help out alcoholics and drug dependent people even in white suburbs, which is where I grew up.  They are basically community activists too, so I think your point is rather pointless.

  5. Why yes they are called Jehovah's witnesses

    Heard one wants to run for president Who knows I've talked to a few they too think the world is coming to an end but they call it Armageddon not G/W They too think that money is evil They too think we should change our ways

  6. Probably because the Covenants, Codicils and Restrictions of their gated communities prohibit such activities.

  7. They are too busy getting  Gov Grants to pretend to help other neighborhoods, then use the money to get Richer!

    (Last Friday)

    Why did such hard working people ever need slaves !

    Give me a break !

    Tell that one in the Trailer Parks!

  8. Because they are too busy working to pay taxes to support the lazy in the other community.  

  9. They aren't needed.

  10. We have plenty of community activists. Mostly, in the forms of neighborhood watch programs that deter unemployed liberals from strolling in and looting our homes while we are away at work paying for your failed social programs and food stamps.

  11. Because you don't know  know what you're talking about,?

    Don't mow your lawn for a month or two or

    Leave your car up on blocks for a month or

    Build a 4 story house and you will see the community activists come out of the woodwork in droves

  12. how exactly do you know this?

  13. Jeff Smoker gives the best example... There are actually more community groups in suburbs than urban areas. Don't know how race affects it, but community groups such as nightwatch, call/help line centers, PTA's, YMCA, housing groups exist in pretty much every suburb, the urban areas usually are built around schools and YMCA type communities while the other help groups just do not exist.  

  14. Because any time a White person attempts to organize other White people, they are labeled a racist, a  n**i, or a hate group.

  15. Because they're all too busy working to support their families and don't need one!

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