I think TEAM HANDBALL is the perfect sports for American guys, but nearly nobody in the USA knows it. It is fast, you play it in gyms with a perfect atmosphere and it can be very brutal. It's not that unfair as SOCCER, nobody tackles you from behind. But it's aggressive and you're allowed to tackle your opponent with your hands. It's a cient of sports for real men.
I don't understand that nobody in America realizes this great sports. I guess there isn't any TEAM HANDBALL CLUB in the States, but I don't know why.
Look at the videos and build your opinion. Make groups and constitute CLUBS. I think HANDBALL has quality to be a sport as famous and as popular as BASKETBALL, FOOTBALL AND BASEBALL in the USA.
videos: http://youtube.com/watch?v=kPgnRff5EVg
and the page of my handball team:
ASV SENDEN 15,16 Years OLD