
Why are there no blue collar workers in the USA government?

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I bet there are more blue collar workers in the USA then white collar workers and yet the blue collar are having choices made for them by people who have no idea what they are about!




  1. America has been hallowed out. Most of the big brand names do not even make those products anymore. Remember when toy company's Mattel toys that were made in China were found to have extreme amounts of lead? What the press failed to mention was that Mattel no longer made toys at all. Some unregulated company using slave labour with no quality control to answer to, or health dept., White collar workers didn't seem to mind as all America's manufacturing fled. That all changed as big firms found they could get lawyers in India, South East Asia or almost anywhere to do paralegal work, answer the phones, preparebriefss etc. All thoseover billedd hours that got their attention....mary.

  2. Honest toil leads one to exhaustion. People who labor productively have no time, interest or energy left after producing beneficial work for others. They mind their own business, and so, cannot serve in government.

    The main purpose of civil employees is to collect any money left after taxes. They are doing an effective job, and deserve our respect.

    Most office holders are lured by the benefit package, and should be forgiven. Such temptation would ruin even the most virtuous among us.

  3. You mean, why are there no elected officials who also are blue collar workers?

    Running for public office takes time and gazillions of money. Few people who actually work for a living have these resources.

  4. Why are America's parks administered by the Department of the Interior?


  5. There are plenty of them.  

  6. I assume you mean elected officials, because the ranks of government workers are full of blue collar folk.  There are many reasons why there are not many working class members of congress.  One is that an effective campaign costs money.  Grass roots efforts don't work because the voters don't want to give money to candidates.  Furthermore, blue collar voters would look down on blue collar candidates and assume the person lacked to capacity to do a good job.  So, most of the successful candidates have demonstrated their ability in some other ways.

  7. Blue collar workers are by definition, labororers. governent officials are pencil pushers and by definition white collar. theres no law preventing laborers from working in the government... wtf!!?!?!?!?

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