
Why are there no fast food joints for vegetarians or vegans?

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Can you imagine a fast food chain that catered to vegetarians and vegans like Mcdonalds or Burger king? Vegetarian value meals for around 5 bucks, heck they can even make it more expensive-i'd pay for good quality! With all the food that morning star, boca,etc. make like veggie bacon, chicken patties, riblets, on and on.......why can't we have this conveniently resteraunt style?




  1. too risky financially.

  2. I think that it has to do with numbers...there are just more carnivores, and business might not do very well.  I can see where you are coming from, though.  Maybe this is a business that you could start.

  3. WOW




  4. I believe Heather Mills, Divorced wife of Beatles' Paul McCartney is in or was in the process of creating a vegan fastfood chain restaurant. I'm sure though this was planned for implementation in England first. Now the market for this wouldn't be all that huge, apart from certain selected locales, such as Greenwich Village, NYC or perhaps San Francisco, CA. (these are the only two I can think of off the top of my head at the moment). Though, in these two areas there already are a slew of Vegan restaurants which offer foods that exceed the quality of fastfood.

    But hey, maybe someday My prayers will be answered.

    (as will yours too)

  5. Unfortunately, business entrepreneurs may be scared that it wouldnt catch on...The majority of people in our country wouldnt go for that....We can dream though. Hey, if you ever wanted to start it up, I would so eat there!

  6. Fast food places don't have to worry much about food going bad since it all comes in frozen and highly processed.  I've known people who work for Veg*n restaurants and what killed their business was the food went bad too fast.  Healthy and convenient do not often go well together.

    Maybe in some college town where there are enough veg*ns to support it, but most fast food places do between $30,000- $100,000 a week in sales with a staff of 20-30. Unless you have 5 people working all the time, you can't give fast service and unless you have big sales, you can't have 5 people working all the time.  

    I do know some folks who have done well with Falafel though.  Saitan Gyros maybe??

  7. i think that would be awsome

  8. that would be really cool

    im not a vegetarian or vegna but i feel bad they have hardly any options

  9. i agree with the other posters.....vegetarians are only a small percentage of the population, and it would be hard to convince most omnis to become patrons of a healthy, meat-free fast food joint.  i think we'd be better off just campaigning for more vegan and vegetarian options at chain restaurants that already exist.

  10. The same reason why AU lean never caught on: entrepreneurs think it won't catch on, and many people don't realize that healthy food can be tasty, too. I would go to one of those places...and I'm not even vegetarian!

  11. Taco Bell--Bean Burritos/Tacos

    Burger King did try a veggie burger.

    Subway...a veggie subway

    My daughter is a vegan and her boyfriend is too but can't eat wheat because he's gluten intolerant.

  12. I think that is a great idea it just has not happened yet

  13. Unless there is a market in the area where the chain is located - it isn't going to make it.

    Considering that the majority of people are not vegetarian/vegan - unless you happen within an area where many such people lived - it more than likely is not going to last if marketed from that point of view.

    I don't see such as a viable market on it's own as you suggest - unless many meat eaters decided to eat there as well.  The approach would have to be something that would draw them to such a place even though it doesn't serve meat - possible - but would have to really think about it to think of such an approach that would work.

    Not saying that such wouldn't be really great - just don't see such actually making it in the average day to day market in every day America.

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