
Why are there no pictures of wounded or dead american soldiers?

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Why are there no pictures of wounded or dead american soldiers?




  1. Bad for national morale and for the surges...

    Same happened during Vietnam.

  2. as not to lower our morale

  3. u feel like u need some huh?

    is it necrophilia or just cruelty? :\

  4. cause everything is censored. they don't wanna show the public how bad war is or else they'll be a stronger opposition to war. they did that in the world wars too. they'd edit pictures of the battle field and they'd make it more glamourizing to attract younger soilders. its basicaly how the media makes models look better by enlarging their breast and changing their face on a computer...etc. you get the point

  5. There are many....

    do you mean from Iraq???

    Lots available from WW1 & 2, Korea and Vietnam.....

  6. There are pictures.  The New York Times has run pictures of dead Soldiers in Iraq on several occasions.

  7. Because it lowers moral and makes the war even harder to win. Only an idiot would want to lower moral of troops of their own country the way you do.

  8. I'm a video editor for a news station, and over the years I have gotten used to seeing disturbing images. Every news group has their own rules and guidelines. My station does not air video of bodies, body parts, body bags, body mounds, wounded children, or report suicides.

    I'm already numb to it, but at first it was traumatizing being exposed to all this gore.

    Besides- we're always encouraging children and teens to watch the news. How awful would it be if they were exposed to disturbing video?  

  9. Censorship

    It's not good propaganda to have such pictures, to lower the morale of the country.

    Btw, last time such picures were seen, it was in vietnam, and students were marching on the streets (of america, not vietnam) trying to stop the war... and the police was bashing them, same as in any other police state.

    So the politicians decided the war should look like a fairytale, only glamorous images, no dead, no wounded, no blood, all soldiers smiling, all civilians smiling, don't worry, be happy, we always win, democracy is saved, freedom is saved, the world is saved, we leave nobody behind, we bring all the boys back home, our heroes return to their families and sweethearts... the usual bulls**t, cheap propaganda.

  10. Because its disrespectful

  11. Because it's disrespectful to the soldiers and families. How'd you like to see a picture of your son's gory body on the evening news or front page of the paper?

  12. You want to see WOUNDED SOLDIERS? Go to Walter Reed Army Hospital, there's LOTS of wounded soldiers there, and you won't have to have a picture!

    Why do you want to see pictures of dead soldiers?  You get off on that kind of stuff?  That's SICK!  Would you want a picture of your father, brother, who was blown apart, shot to death plastered all over the newspapers and the internet?  Would your mother want YOUR picture with your face shot off, your stomach torn open on the news?

    Go to the funeral of a fallen member of the U.S. armed forces and ask for a picture of the person from the parents.  Won't THAT be a hoot!

  13. 1. Newspapers and television news only care about how many people read or tune-in. Freaking everybody out and getting everyone scared sells. Pictures of dead soldiers doesn't, and they will lose business.

    2. With the success in Iraq, there are so fewer and fewer American soldiers dying. If the news started reporting on American casualties, people would begin to realize that violence is at an all-time low since the war started. If they realized this, they might not buy into all of the news hype about how "horrible" everything is going, and the news would lose customers and thus advertising money.

  14. It's not that there ARE no pictures, it's just that they're better left unshown.  Would you want to open the paper or turn on the news and see that?  What if it was someone you know/knew?  

    You might think that pictures of dead and wounded servicemen and women would serve to rile the rest up for the fight, but really, it just serves to degrade the morale and feed the fear that what happened to others will happen to them.  

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