
Why are there no pigeons in china?

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ok maybe a few but when i went to big cities there was just a few. If your go to Paris or New York you will feel like the minority species.




  1. there are pigeons in China

    some are pets

    some are poultry

    some are wild game


    not many

    therefore you have an impression there are no


  2. are you talking about the ones in the square?

    there are too many people in China, so the pigeons ARE actually minority species


  4. chinese eats anything with four legs except for the table.  Pigeons are delicious and Europeans enjoy them as well.  FYI, they taste a little gamey, similar to a duck.

  5. China HAS pigeons, I used to have one when I was kid~~I kept many pets when I was kid, cat, dog, turtles, rabbits, rats, chicken, pigeons......well, they all died within 1 week~~~~

  6. There were so many pigeons in a park I've been to in Shijiazhuang, hebei.

  7. Well in China and HK, Pigeons can be ordered from the restaurant menus. They taste just like duck except that they come in a smaller size.

    Why would you care about Pigeons anyways? They can be very big pests while hardly serving a purpose besides entertaining children.

  8. So bad 鬼宿 .

    Well,the Chinese law does not allow them  to walk just like that on the streets.That's why the have disappeared from the streets.

  9. There are pigeons in China. What makes you think there aren't?

    I've been to China, I've seen them on the street.

    They are also considered a delicacy there. Tastes like chicken.

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