
Why are there no questions on agriculture. don't people care about where and how there food is produced ?

by  |  earlier

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i think its important and should be disscussed more..




  1. Most people do not know or care about farming, those who do are few and far between.

    I would be happy to read and answer questions on organo phosphate use or bovine T.B but I doubt it many other people would.

  2. food is produced?

    you mean... it doesn't just magically appear in the supermarket?

    Whoa, I need a lie down.

  3. we have very little control over how and what goes into our food.

  4. Go on then, ask us a question...

  5. I care about where food comes from, how it is produced and how the producer is treated so I don't shop for food in any of the 'big 4' supermarkets. I grow (well my wife does it really) some vegetables, we have 3 chickens for our eggs and we buy the rest of our meat, veg and fruit from farmers markets or Waitrose

  6. Not really!! food is food!

    But please ask away!!

  7. it's a shame, my other half's from Spain and her dad and his brother still work the land that has been in their family for years. ... deep down though i think they know they are the last generation to do so. it's a shame, but it really appeals to me and i'm hoping it's something I can do in the future.

    i'm fed up with city life...!

  8. I know, isn't it amazing when you consider that this one vital thing in society is allowed to be taken over by corporations that pump perfectly good food with nasty additives and actually contribute to the general obesity of the population?

    You are what you eat, it's true.

  9. Why don't you ask one then??

  10. we can ask questions but only if you are out there digging in the dirt and growing your own, you can't make a real difference in how food is "produced"

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