
Why are there no road humps on highways?

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Why are there no road humps on highways?




  1. Road humps? I'll assume for a moment you mean speed bumps. The reason for not placing speed bumps on a highway seems obvious to me but I will try to explain. Speed bumps are placed in areas of traffic where high speeds are not safe. Such as parking lots or densely populated areas. These bumps are designed to cause the driver of a vehicle to slow down. Out on an open highway the speeds are much greater than those of a parking lot or neighborhood. There are far less pedestrians out on a highway, therefor speeds are posted at higher rates. Speed bumps should not be driven over any faster than 3 to 5 mph. To do so would literally destroy the suspension system of most vehicles. Driving over a speed bump at highway speeds could blow out all of a vehicles tires and render the vehicle out of control. Very alert drivers who might see the speed bump would slow down to pass over it and this would cause a massive traffic jam, negating the very purpose of a highway to start with. So in short, there are no speed bumps on highways so that cars don't get destroyed and massive traffic jams aren't caused.    

  2. Goby... ,obviously you have never driven in Michigan! Michigan's highways ARE speed bumps.

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