
Why are there no self serve soda/fizzy drink fountains in England?

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I noticed on a trip to England this summer the absense of self serve soft drink machines. As in you get a cup, put ice in it and then push the foutian thingie to get soda. I was shocked and alarmed !! Ones like in conveience stores in the US( 7-11, QT etc if you kow fo those)...i really enjoy large amounts of fountian drinks, (diet pepsi, cokes whatever) but found no self serve options anywhere, or bigger sizes ! Or coffee ones eihter! very sad :( I was wondering why!




  1. because this makes it easier to access these drinks, and we don't want to encourage dental caries, obesity, diabetes etc.

  2. some Supermarket restraunts you get the drinks yourself from a machine then go to the till and order your food and pay for it all in one go  You get larger cups in Big M and Berger King

  3. Mainly because they would get nicked by the smack heads!!!!!

  4. Because we're crazy!!

    Although I would love a soda fountain!!


  5. You mean to say other countries actually have drink fountains? Now I understand why people are leaving this social & political wreck of a country!

  6. Because we insist on you paying for every cup you have

  7. WOW! im coming to your country!

  8. you should have tried morrisons cafe's they have the machines you described

  9. Your question is related to: "Why are there less overly fat/obese people in England compared to the US?".

    Now you know why.

  10. Yeah, I noticed that too. Try getting some ice when you go to a pub! Sodas are served warm in England. It is different from the States, that's for sure. But, the States supersize everything here and just make it too easy to get fat and unhealthy.

  11. I'm quite alarmed you think drinks should consist of fizzy water full of sugar and rubbish. Not all countries are into junk food as much as the USA. Not a lot of people live on coke here. I can't stand it myself. I prefer fruit juice. I think more people buy still fruit juice here or squash, which is concentrated juice you add water to. Ribena, which is blackcurrant juice is quite popular.

    We usually have those self serve things in some cafes, but most people can control themselves to one cup.

    Bigger sizes? No wonder people are all fat in the USA if they don't understand portion control.

  12. LOL @ "i really enjoy large amounts of fountian drinks"

    You crazy Americans.

    We do it as a way of preventing us from becoming big fat wobbly heffers.

    Besides, we DO have them but not in the places that tourists visit.

  13. I can't answer your question, but I do have a messege for the people who answerd this question : REALLY!!!! COME ON! HAVE YOU NOT EVER SEEN A OVER WEIGHT ENGLISH PERSON!!! I mean,come on!!!! Soda, yes in large porsions can make you over weight but 1 large spda every little while is not that bad, and are you implieng that this asker is fat!?!

    I really think it is rude...

  14. 1: To stop stealing

    2: Health and Safety regs

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