
Why are there no snakes in ireland? dont say St. paddy?

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Why are there no snakes in ireland? dont say St. paddy?




  1. It is most likely because it is an island and the weather!

  2. I know a huge snake that lives in ex in Newry !!!


  3. Because it's an island separated from Great Britain which has snakes.  We do have lizards though, mainly on the western side of the country.  We don't have moles or toads either with the exception of the rare Natterjack toad only found in Co. Kerry.

    Interestingly lots of people keep snakes as pets here, so perhaps it is inevitable that something will escape and breed in the wild.  This happened with mink which were imported and bred in farms, but so many escaped that they are now quite common in the wild.

  4. All fauna came, in more recent ages, from central Europe and migrated to the British Isles and Ireland from there.

    A limiting factor occurred when the Ice Age extinguished these reptiles. Then, after this period passed, the water of the Irish Sea and English Channel cut them off from Europe.

    Any lands not connected to where snakes evolved are also without these serpents. e.g. New Zealand.

    It's as simple as that.

  5. The story goes that the Irish were offered by God the choice of oil or potatoes in the land, and you can guess which they chose.

    So the story goes.


  6. they were either wiped out by another animal, or it's to cold!

  7. Well its already in your question , he got rid of all the snakes that's why he became a saint ,  its not wont you wonted me to right but that why there isn't.  think its considered a sin now if you were to keep one if your a catholic.

  8. I reckon the climate just isn't right for them!  Sure, with global warming going the way it is we'll probably have a nice number of them coming in over the next few years!

  9. yes it was definatly st patrick, who took all snakes out of ireland,its true i had a book and it told it all.

  10. the same reason there are no kangeroos

  11. Here is a website that explains everything:

  12. we do have snakes in Ireland they are all in the Dali and called politions

  13. like hawai'i has no snakes, it's and island.

    and the closest land is also an island (the UK)

    maybe the weather plays a part

  14. They have probable all drowned

  15. Not 100% snowman1234.  Check this link.

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