
Why are there no videos/films of a passenger plane hitting the Pentagon on 911, I know that one did, but?

by  |  earlier

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I have heard the question deflected by chat about cameras pointing outwards, and security cameras only taking a few frames per second.

But I am interested in the theories of those who believe one hit the Pentagon.

Do such people really exist?

Before some says "it has been asked before", I would point out that there are millions of potential answerers, and a few dozen answers, those who happen to be at their computer, or bothered to answer, at the time are hardly a representative cross section.

I want a good answer, as it is impossible that we have been lied to, by the government, and I'm fed up of people asking me about it, when I say I believe the official story




  1. "Why are there no videos/films of a passenger plane hitting the Pentagon on 911...?" - Because security cameras don't view that part of the building (or other long stretches of empty wall). The security camera for the parking lot did capture something that is the approximate shape and size of an aircraft.

    With an aircraft traveling in the 750 - 900 feet per second range (500 - 600 MPH) you would need a special high speed camera to get good pictures of any object traveling perpendicular to the camera.

  2. its amazing  what people want to believe .. i mean really look at the  pick violator has ..  no cameras ..paleeze , btw , where the  is the plane? how  come the ground has no skid marks ,

    guess what people ..i hate to break it to you  but ...there is no santa clause , no easter bunny and  planes do  not hit buildings and not at least leave wreakage, least not messing up the lawn :/

  3. Look at this picture...   (sorry, this is the best pic I could find of the roofline [where the cameras are located])

    Count 11 windows left starting from the hole.  Just above the 11th row of windows, you can see a camera pod on the roof line (it's black from being charred).  There was about 8-10 cameras like this one on this side of the building alone.  These, I imagine, contain a MUCH better image with MUCH better resolution than the security cameras that were 500 ft away.  

    If they want to silence the 9/11 truth crowd, RELEASE THOSE VIDEOS.  Why are they hiding and withholding them?

    Don't forget, the helipad was on that side of the building; yet another reason to place surveillance on that side.

  4. I believe an aircraft hit the Pentagon but dont think it was the one the govt claims it was.

    Best answer to your question is to ask the Pentagon why it still refuses to release the confiscated video tapes from nearby business. Get your hot little hands on those and you hit pay-dirt. I doubt they will show you want. Bet my pet toad that U will see a much smaller aircraft of some sort. Give it a shot tho and do let us know what you find. As a believer in the official tall tale, maybe the Pentagon will pay ball with U.  Good luck with it.

    Scary if U think its impossible that we were lied to. Even some of the 911 Commissioners have complained about the obstructions to the investigation. Check out this list of govt, intel & military peeps questioning the official tall tale.

    Guess U know better the 911 Commissioners tho. Good on you. You might look up the definition of "sheeple' at wikipedia to see if U think it applies to you. Only U will know--I don't.

    Take the other pill dude.

  5. There were witnesses outside driving by when the plane hit.  It doesn't matter if there is any film or not.  They interviewed people who watched the plane fly over their heads and right into the Pentagon just like with the twin towers.

  6. I still don't know that a plane DID hit the Pentagon. The US government confiscated security camera footage from a local gas station and hotel and has never released either tape. The US government has only ever released three or four blurry/ grainy still frames that do not answer the question as to what hit the Pentagon. In regards to the plane itself, ask yourself these questions; in all of the pictures of the Pentagon, where were the bodies?

    Where is the fuselage?

    Where are the wings?

    Where are the engines?

    What was in that box covered with a blue tarp that was carried away from the Pentagon?

    How could a plane that stands nearly 50ft. tall (with landing gear extended) crash into the ground floor of the Pentagon?

    How could an amateur pilot reduce the air speed enough to crash the plane into the ground floor?

    How could it crash into the ground floor without bottoming out on the Pentagon lawn?

    Why weren't the people who were "witnesses" to the plane hitting the Pentagon blown away by the thrust of the plane's jets as it descended? Clearly, if they're powerful enough to lift a plane, they could lift a person too.

    Why was it originally reported as having been a helicopter that crashed into the Pentagon, then it was a small passenger plane and then finally a jumbo jet?

  7. All of the flight path damage, numerous eye witnesses, debris, passengers' families and friends and what video we do have all combine to put any other theory to rest -  American Airlines Flight 77 was deliberately crashed into the Pentagon on 9/11 by Islamic terrorists.

  8. I had family at the Pentagon when the plane hit..

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