
Why are there not more Libertarians in this country?

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lib·er·tar·i·an: One who advocates maximizing individual rights and minimizing the role of the state. -- American Heritage Dictionary, Fourth Edition

Libertarianism is, as the name implies, the belief in liberty. Libertarians believe that each person owns his own life and property, and has the right to make his own choices as to how he lives his life -- as long as he simply respects the same right of others to do the same.

Libertarianism. The belief that government should not interfere in the lives of citizens, other than to provide police and military protection. Libertarianism cannot easily be placed on the left-right scale that is usually used to analyze political philosophies. Libertarians are strong supporters of capitalism and free trade and yet also tolerant on social and lifestyle issues, which are considered none of the government's business. The basic philosophy is "live and let live".

A libertarian is the opposite of an authoritarian.




  1. Because people are worthless, lazy and weak! To be Libertarian is to assume and accept the duty and responsibility of taking care of yourself and those you are responsible for. More and more people believe that it is the governments duty and responsibility to take care of them from cradle to grave and are will to pay the price by stepping into the cage and closing the door behind them! To be sure, its a gilded cage, by and large: you don't have to think, h**l you don't HAVE to do much of anything if you work it out right. The government will house, clothe and feed you, and provide you with a little pocket change besides! The down side is that from time to time, 'bad' things happen, like Katrina. You can be sure NO Libertarians died in New Orleans!

  2. I've read the answers so-far and some are rather astounding

    to me.  I was active in the Libertarian party briefly, and I

    found out about it through the mainstream media which was

    supposedly not going to tell  me about libertarianism because

    it wanted to control what I heard and deprive me of

    information about libertarianism (??)

    There are a number of reasons there aren't more libertarians.

    It became clear to me that the party of libertarians was

    something that grew out of  the ultra right-wing youth

    movement of the republicans and  seemed to be

    concocted specifically to siphon off  some of the more

    truly liberal voters from the demonrats.  In fact, it was

    my reaction to being so-used  in the election that ensconced

    Reagan in the Oval Office which sent me back into the

    eagerly-waiting arms of the neo-bolshevist demonrats

    after I made that analysis and challenged several

    state-level libertarians on-air in calls to talk-radio shows

    they were guests on  to truthfully say  which major

    party they thought they probably got more voters from.

    The pure answer to your question would be--in my view--

    that since libertarianism involves according your neighbor

    the quiet enjoyment of his property you  want for

    yourself,  most people can't qualify  because they

    tend to be unable to enjoy themselves without intruding

    upon their neighbors' quiet-enjoyment rights.   That's been my

    experience, anyway.

    They can't just enjoy music they like--they've got to

    force you to "enjoy" it too.  They love to have their

    dogs and cats, but  it's not enough to enjoy them cavorting

    happily on  it's master's own property,  they must have it

    destroying wildlife and befouling everyone else's property

    as well before they can really enjoy their pet.

    Or, while it's reasonable  for them to enjoy their cooking

    skills to make a repast they consider fit for a king, they

    really can't enjoy their meal unless  they make sure

    the entire interior of *your* house smells like their food

    if it's a nice enough day to have the windows open

    for a cool breeze (I'm talking about  the evil practice

    of open cooking outdoors done extremely irresponsibly

    as it is by most people).

    It goes on and on and on.  Mr.  radio-hobby  just

    can't really enjoy his incessant broadcasting of

    hoosierly  pontification on every inane subject known

    to man until it's modulating every television raster

    in the neighborhood as opposed to only the intended

    speaker cone of the other radio hobbyist to whom

    he is (ostensibly) communicating.

    So while the two major parties  have philosophies

    which are easily practiced by most people, the

    libertarians  have a standard that's just too good for

    most people to live up to.  Libertarians are sort of

    like their direct opposites the communists. Communism

    would have worked great if every man   were a saint

    willing to do his best and receive only  what he needs

    in return for it.

    Libertarianism  would attract a lot  more people if most

    people weren't  amoral hypocrites to a greater or lesser


    These two opposite extremes both ignore  the  realities of

    human nature.   One tried to find  the solution to what everyone

    wants through  trying to provide for everyone's needs, the

    other tries to find the solution to  what everyone needs

    through serving what we all say we want.

    Everything in moderation. The truth usually lies somewhere

    in  between.

  3. Because a long time ago in this country, the elite took control of our major media.

    Where do you here about libertarianism on tv?  You don't.  And that's because the real owners in this country don't want it that way.  Whether there is a dark, smokey room conspiracy or not, the  elite have always sought to oppress the masses.  Today they do it though mass consumerism, mass debt, heavy taxes and entitlement programs.  They pretty muched dumbed down (or medicated) most of us, and through the media they push their agenda... and agenda that his little to do with personal or economic freedom for the masses.

    It's all about republicans and democrats.  Repugnicons and demogogues.  Neither party comes up with solutions that benefit the American taxpayer.  It's all about favors for their corporate buddies and money for the military-industrial complex, the medical-industrial complex and the police state.

    But, because the corporate media is just about the entire media now, most people go though life in the dark... completely oblivious to the fact that things are getting tougher and tougher every year... electing the same crooks and criminals into office every year.  We have a 90% reelection rate in Congress.  They had a 92% reelection rate in the Soviet Union and they only had one party!

    Somehow the cycle of stupidity has to stops, and the libertarians have the best plan, but the elite have such an Orwellian control over the masses, I'm afraid it's going to have to get much worse before something changes.  The libertarians offer nothing new... they just want to go back to our roots... a free, republic of individual sovereign states that holds respect to the rule of law, the U.S. Constitution.

    Why aren't there more libertarians?  Turn on a major news channel... maybe CNN.  Watch it all day.  Count the number of times they say "libertarian" (or liberty).  Also count the number of times they say "democrat" or "republican".  The 2 parties have a monopoly control over our electoral system and the media.  Until that changes, more of the same I'm afraid.

    This reminds me of another question I answered.  Somebody asked a question about whether or not we were really "free" or not, and this was my answer...

    Ah, it's just like it's always been, isn't it?

    The wealthy elite... who got that way off the backs of the serfs... take more and more control... s***w you a little more and more...

    until you revolt.

    It's been that way since there has been "civilization".

    It's all about getting into power, staying there, and milking us out of our tax dollars. The politicians are beholden to the lobbyists, special interest groups, and multinational corporations. In the politician's quest to retain power, which takes money and the media, they cater not to the American taxpayer, but to the corporations and other groups that fund their campaigns.

    The politicians, the media, the "banksters", and the corporations are all running a big game on us.

    It's a long story, but basically it comes down to this...

    We've been duped.

    We're all running around arguing "left" vs. "right" like either side is going to change things. We need to realize that it's not about left-right any more. It's about the elite vs. the common citizen... you know, the way it inevitably always ends up... throughout history.

    People in the future looking back at us are going to think we were the dumbest group of citizens ever...

    We're running around waving our flags, shouting "We're free! We're free!" while they take way all our rights. We have 1 1/2 times as many people in jail as China, when they have 5 times the population and are considered a totalitarian police state. I bet the whole world is laughing at us.

    They're convincing us to be terrified of "terrorists" when you are more likely to win a million bucks in the lottery than to be killed by a terrorist.

    They're fretting over 3rd world nations with no navy or airforce, while spending more money on our armed forces than all the other nations on earth combined.

    They're bankrupting our nation while borrowing money from communist nations who used to be considered our biggest enemies.

    What it boils down to is the corporate/political elite are fleecing our country around us... while we vote them in AGAIN with big smiles on our faces.

    We have a 90% reelection rate in our Congress, even though things get worse and worse every year. The Soviets had a 92% reelection rate and they only had one party!

    We live in a fascist police state controlled by a small group of wealthy elite, and our media is owned by this same small group of people. Our media has turned into an Orwellian mind control device meant to keep us in the dark... and entertained... so we don't care what they are doing to us until it is too late.

    What it all boils down to is this...

    We are ruled by the corporation and the wealthy elite that own these corporations.

    It's not "Of the people, by the people, for the people..." any more.

    It's "Of the corporation, by the corporation, for the corportation."


    Some critics equate too much corporate power and influence with fascism. Often they cite a quote claimed to be from Mussolini: "Fascism should more properly be called corporatism because it is the merger of state and corporate power."

    Mussolini was not the only one to recognize this. Franklin D. Roosevelt in an April 29, 1938 message to Congress warned that the growth of private power could lead to fascism:

    "The first truth is that the liberty of a democracy is not safe if the people tolerate the growth of private power to a point where it becomes stronger than their democratic state itself. That, in its essence, is fascism--ownership of government by an individual, by a group, or by any other controlling private power."

    We are in a fascist state. The quicker people get around to realizing this... the quicker we can fix it. But they don't even realize it's happening because our "news" media is owned by the same corporate powers.

    George Orwell would love to see this sh*t.

    No matter which of the corporate-selected candidates get into office, the average American taxpayer will be SCREWED.

    Check out this video presentation. It explains exactly why our system is BROKEN, and why neither party is going to change it...

    The next decade is going to make the 70's look like a cakewalk.

    Since George Carlin passed on the other day, I'll let him finish my answer...

  4. because there are to many lazy people who don't want the TV turned off so they can think for themselves

    The price of liberty is far more than simple vigilance. The price includes the integrity to accept complete personal responsibility for our lives, safety, property and welfare. The price that so many find hardest to pay, however, is the integrity to leave everyone else alone to do the same

  5. some interesting answers so far...

    but IMHO the real reason is Americans like to WIN...

    we don't LIKE coming in second much less third...

    so the libertarian party is in a bit of a bind... if i vote for them.. i KNOW i will be voting for a losing party.. but they don't really have a chance to win unless i vote for them!! <grin>

    most people wont' even go to an election if they don't' honestly believe their side has a chance to win.. making a show isn't enough for the avg person.

  6. Libertarianism is great if you're middle class or above. You have your house, car, mortgage, etc. Doesn't work so well when your sharing 300sqft. shack with 10 other people in the slums.

    Basically, too many people not enough to go around.

  7. The reason is in the definition.

    " . . .  maximizing individual rights and minimizing the control of the state."

    How many people do you know, personally, who can tolerate the idea of another individual making his/her own decisions?

    How many politicians can you think of who are willing to cede ANY of their "authority"?

    The media, which licks the boots of those in power, will ALWAYS label libertarians as "mavericks" and "dangerous kooks".

    In a way libertarians ARE dangerous:  They are dangerous to the current power structure, and those in power have taken a liking to leaving things just the way they are.

    Everyone wants their neighbor to leave them alone, but very few are able to leave their neighbor alone.

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