
Why are there not more questions here...?

by  |  earlier

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and how can I take over dominance if there are no questions to answer!




  1. because of people like you.

  2. I don't know, maybe just wait a couple of days

  3. I'm more worried about running out of answers!!!

    BTW, YOU already have dominance in MY book!!!

  4. Well Auntie .. i have plenty of questions but some one just doesnt answer everytime. You can have dominance where dominance is due..I have loads of contacts and maybe 3 now i am bout fed up with asking...

  5. Well, you can start out by volunteering to be in my circus, I can have an ant circus instead of a flea circus, how about that?  =)

  6. Maybe there aren't that many people who want to know things about Argentina, Pett!  I truly don't know.  Try another catagory,

    hun. There are plenty of places a Pet Aunt can dominate the catagory, especially if all the Pet Aunts come together in force!  ÃƒÂ¢Ã‚˜Âº

  7. Congratulations!!!!

    You just got your question answered!

    Because people on here don't love you anymore!


  8. I didn't *star*!!!

    I think ppl don't like this place so they don't ask questions here!! That kinda a way....or two, ect.....

    Have a great day!! :)

  9. okay "aunt" I will ask a question wait for it

    I did and then I got violated sorry

  10. I'm coming up with as many new questions as I can, but I can only do so much. Please go see my profile for details.

  11. I have a question open...


    edit......... don't mention the "thomas...." thing tho

  12. No stars is a good idea.  When we invaded Gualeguaychu, someone reported a bunch of our questions and answers.  Good luck in your own little corner of Y!A.  Maybe you'll get to be the JR of Carilo.

  13. Maybe everyone is on a breather.

    Where am I goofy? lol

  14. I try to put them out there by lordy how many questions can you ask? I have to brainstorm sometimes and then you have to be careful of the violations by putting yourself out there.

  15. Yes that is a dilemma. :)

  16. At least you are dominating the question board at this time. This may become a P&S getaway for some R&R.

  17. wow, nice avatar hairy beast...:)....well u can always try with my questions

  18. hahah, bribe people to ASK q's in here, have a pact, that you give THEM the BAs on your q's and they give you in no time you rule the world!


    robin, its argentina...lost? you can rob all stores for supplies and just fly away, right robin?

  19. where am i Goofy? lol

    edit! absolutely Goofy!! lol

  20. We have all been cured from asking questions.

  21. it's the dang random coffee breaks, between them and the breathers it's amazing anything gets answered!

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