
Why are there only 36 African American delegates at the Republican National Convention?

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It really is a sea of wealthy white faces!

(Source: C-Span, Washington Journal)




  1. I think there are more African American in the Democrat party then republicans. Ironically there use to be more in the republican party.

  2. Wow.  I didn't expect much but that's incredibly low.  The GOP is so big in the south I'm amazed there aren't more diverse groups from that area.

  3. ' a sea of wealthy white faces' no that's not racist

  4. I guess more need to run, and win

  5. Why were there so many Medal of Honor winners? Are they wealthy in $$$ or courage which the DEMS lack

  6. republican party's trying to make itself appear as the poor and working class, these days.  what a joke!

  7. they  are  all  on  obamas  side

  8. why are you not blasting this report as racially motivated?  Since when is it okay to segregate and enumerate based on color of skin?????

    Give it up!  The democratic party is racially motivated and only support Obama because of his skin.

    Thanks for showing what is really important in politics as far as the democrats are concerned.

  9. Be careful!  You're going to have them all running over here and calling you a racist and a bigot for asking that question!!

    I would like to hear a Republican answer that question.

  10. It's because they were paid to be there by the sea of white people

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