
Why are there police put into bathrooms to try and get people to have s*x with them? isnt that illegal?

by  |  earlier

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why would cops try to get people to break the law? i thought they were supposed to stop law breaking? the same goes for cops who sell drugs to people or try to buy drugs from people. encouraging crimes.




  1. Who do you know that is doing this?  Report them!  Officers that do this kind of s**+* gives us officers who try to do well a bad name and if I can charge them, I will.  If your telling the truth about this, go to the station and speak with the chief or sheriff or a major in the Troopers office.

  2. They are enforcing, if they buy or sell then, chances are they are gonna do it in the future, therefore continue to ruin society with there filth

  3. Might be entrapment.

  4. A better question is why victimless "crimes" are criminal at all.  If there is no victim, is there a crime?  I contend that there is no crime at all.  Drugs, Prostitution, Gambling, Speeding, etc. are essentially victimless crimes.  With our jail systems out of control, full and costing taxpayers a fortune, why do we waste our time and money with this c**p?!  Forget the fact that it's wrong to prosecute these as crimes, that's another story.

  5. The cop is there to catch law breakers.

    They do not ask others to have s*x with them. They stop creeps who approach others for s*x in restrooms.

    A young man, of my acquaintance, was approached by two guys in a rest stop  restroom on the Ohio Tpke. They made obscene suggestions and tried to get physical with him.

    There was no cop handy so this young man simply hospitalized the two creeps. One had his nose broken.

    Had a cop been there it would not have happened.


  6. I believe that that is called entrapment and will result in getting the charges thrown out if the accused has a halfway decent lawyer and the cop was the one to proposition the illegal act.

    I also believe that the only things that should be crimes should be coercing people to do something, doing something to deliberately harm a person or a persons property.

  7. They are responding to complaints. People should be able to use a public restroom without some idiot soliciting them for s*x.  

  8. They are enforcing the laws.  "Entrapment" by definition is enticing someone to do something unlawful when they would not have done so otherwise.  In other words, if you aren't planning to have s*x with someone in the bathroom then it shouldn't bother you.  Same goes for buying or selling drugs.  The police aren't forcing someone to do it.  They are just catching the people who are.  And no, you can't citizen arrest them, some jurisdictions don't even allow citizen arrests.

  9. they dont sell they buy.... its a waste of time and money to get the non-violent marijuana dealers off the streets but is essential to control dangerous gangs/dealers with deadly drugs

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