
Why are there...?

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...barbed wire fences between the spectators and the players at Indian cricket grounds?

Do any other countries have the same set-up?




  1. yeah, the same should be followed by Australia to prevent ..what a shame !!


    i think i'm missing 2 Important OPINIONS (answers)

  2. If I answer this truthfully I will  get deleted as I notice two or more answers to this did. So I will just say that most civilised countries don't need it as their spectators have more respect for others.

  3. To keep the streakers out.

  4. Nope, not in Aus, people tend to be able to restrain them selves and those who dont (are usually naked and severly wasted, just making good on a bet) face a $5,000+ fine depending on venue, lifetime ban then followed by a severe take down by either ground security, police or Andy Symonds, who ever gets to them first.

  5. Dear Asterix,

    All the subcontinental grounds have it. They are there to prevent livestock from entering the cricket grounds. Since the WWF is pretty active with conservation efforts, sometimes lions and tigers can attack the players in the field.

    Now adays we also have SAM's (surface to air missiles) in close proximity to the ground to prevent long range missile attacks on the players.

    However, nobody can prevent "pre=emptive attacks" on the cricket grounds. Some players can launch the cricket ball into the spectators stands, and this can be viewed as a Weapon of Mass Destruction.

    Having said that the foreign players are an important revenue for the sub-continental nations. Carefully planned explosions can boost our economy, because our sale of exportable "guano" rises in these circumstances.

    Attacks of lion, tigers and livestock on the fence also helps to generate Guano from foreign players. A plan is in vogue to make the collection mechanized.

    In summary, its a win win situation for having those wires.

    Good insightful question,

    Rehman of Multan

  6. Cricket is really really big in India (you only have to look at the fact that BCCI is the highest earning cricket board in the world to realize this fact). People are way too passionate about the sport. There have been instances when player's homes have been attacked because they did not perform well. Considering all of this, its just sensible to have fences.

    Plus, there's always the security risk. India has one of the highest number of terrorist attacks in the world every year.

    Also, most countries do not have fences around their cricket grounds.

  7. because if there is a streaker indian gaurds are not able to takle them down or i dont think an indian player is good enough to shoulder the streker to the ground(andrew symonds)...
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