
Why are there restrictions on backing into parking spaces?

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my uncle says he gets a ticket every time he back into a parking spot at his job? why is he not allowed to back in?




  1. One reason is that sometimes air intakes are located on the outside of buildings, and backing into an adjacent parking space would potentially pipe your exhaust into the building.

    PS. When is your uncle ever going to learn?  :)

  2. And just where...praytell...are you located in this world??....that they would fine you for something like backing into a parking space???...that's one of the most rediculous things I've ever heard of!

    I've been driving..legally...for 26 years...and I've never heard of such a this exclusive to your area?...or is it a common thing elsewhere??...  

    My curiosity has just gotten the best of me on this one.

  3. I would check into this with the local authorities if I was you to make sure there is no ordinance where you live prohibiting this type of parking.

  4. some places have ordinances against this... i've been in parking lots/garages that have signs that say 'pull in parking only' or something along those lines.

    its mainly because these areas do not have front license plates (pa to name one state) and if you back in, then the cops can't read the plate.  so, if they need to give you a ticket for running out of time on the meter, or parking there over the 2 hour limit, they can't because they cannot see your plate.

  5. Alot of States do not require front license plates, so the police cannot drive thru and check the tags to see if they are current !  Also the county you live in is only on the rear tag !

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