
Why are there roosters on the top of churches in germany?

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Why are there roosters on the top of churches in germany?




  1. It's also a sign that it is a Lutheran church. The Catholics have a cross on the top.

  2. The rooster is a symbol for the Apostle Peter, the first Pope. The symbol refers to the c**k (rooster) crowing during the Passion narrative, the incident that causes Peter to realise his betrayal of Christ. Christ told Peter during the Last Supper that He would be denied three times before 'the c**k crows', Peter denied that he would ever foresake His Lord, yet out of fear, he did.

    So the symbol of the rooster stands as a reminder to all of us not to give in to our human fear, to remain faithful to Christ always.

  3. Yes, it goes back to the Apostle Peter, but no, it isn't necessarily a sign of a protestant church (rather the opposite... traditionally the rooster is the sign of a catholic church, but more recent catholic churches also have a cross on the top). One symbol to tell it is definitely a protestant churches is a swan on the top.

  4. We adopted them from the Brits; the weathercock shows the direction of the wind. They're not only on churches; some house roofs have them, too.


    @Wulf, are you aware that in Germany, a weathercock on the roof actually states a pagan household? The catholic church despises that image, as thou shalt not make an image of thy Lord, and owning a weathercock is somewhat similar to praying to the golden calf.

  5. Alwin is correct too, they are used often in the USA on farms for the same reason as he just stated.

    @Alwin No i was not aware of that, thanks for sharing. I am pagan too but Cherokee. It is interesting to know that. Is it only in Europe it is Pagan or is it in the USA too?

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