
Why are there so many Brazilian women who are blondes?

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and how come are they all so hot?




  1. All Brazilian women are hot, and not just the blondes.

  2. Because they are all whores from h**l.

    Beware! Jeeeesas is comming and all whores will be eliminated!

    Oh, also like all blondes, they are dumb...

  3. Brazil's population comprises many races and ethnic groups. The Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics (IBGE) classifies the Brazilian population in five categories: white, black, pardo (brown), yellow (Asian) or Indigenous, based on skin color or race. The last PNAD (National Research for Sample of Domiciles) census revealed the following numbers: 93 million White people (49.9%), 80 million Brown people (43.2%), 11.7 million Black people (6.3%), and 1.3 million Asian or Amerindian people (0.7%). [103] The ethnic composition of Brazilians is not uniform across the country. Due to its large influx of European immigrants in the 19th century, the Southern Region has a White majority, consisting of 80.8% of its population.[104] The Northeastern Region, as a result of the large numbers of African slaves working in the sugar cane engenhos, has a majority of brown and black peoples, respectively 63.1% and 7%.[105] Northern Brazil, largely covered by the Amazon Rainforest, is 71.5% brown, due to its strong Amerindian component[106]. Southeastern Brazil and Central-Western Brazil have a more balanced ratio among different ethnic groups.

  4. One of the biggest immigration groups in Brazil in the past century have been the germans and dutchs, hence the blonde hair. You can see an array of races as they mixed with the portuguese settlers, the africans who were sent there as slaves, etc. That's the beauty of Brazil, mixed races and all equal.

  5. Many Brazilian women are successfully impregnated by blond men. (Once you go Brazil, to hump someone else you need a pill. :) )

    Also they feed on male sperm and eat lowfat diet.

  6. why are there so many american women who are blondes ?

    dumb question

    Brazil is just like the US

  7. It is do to the eurpean mix in the culture. Proof that mixing cultures have a better "hot factor" than cultures less mixed.

  8. In the north of Brazil some of the first Europeans were Dutch besides Portugues. In the southern part  Italians , Ukranians, Polish and Germans.

  9. The reason for so many blonds is that Brazilians believe that Blonds are more beautiful, so we can thank Chemicals and hair salons for the number of blonds.

  10. Dye....

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