
Why are there so many Germans in America?

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Why are there so many Germans in America?




  1. Why not?

    Plus Irish, Dutch, British, Italians, Spaniards, French, Scandanavians, Slavs and other Eastern Europeans, Chinese, Mexicans, Japanese, Indians, Africans, Austrailians, Canadians, all kinds of Central and South Americans, Koreans, Arabs, Persians, SouthEast Asians.

    What?  You think we should have put up a sign saying "No Germans Allowed?"

  2. why does it matter? do you have something against them? i mean i know what happened in the past & all but its not our fault! (yes i am german) i mean seriously? why does it matter to you?

  3. Gemany was not a unified nation until 1871.  

    In the 1600s, the German states suffered many wars on their soil. It was the battleground frequently of other people's wars.  Often times complete town were wiped off the map.  With the settlement in North America, many from various German states came here to get away from the troubles of their homeland. In colonial America they were usually called Dutch as that is what Deutsch sounded like to the ears of English speaking people of the time.

    The potato blight that ravaged Ireland in the 1840s actually spread all over Europe.  The area which is now Germany was also hit hard. Probably, the devastation was not quite as severe as it was in Ireland.  

    Many came to Texas to find peace.  They didn't want a part of the Prussian military.  Actually, the Germans in Texas really weren't all that enthursed about the Civil War. They had come here to get away from war.

    Then the late 19th and early 20th centuries saw immigration from all over Europe including Germany.

  4. Like people from other European countries they came for lots of reasons.

    Early on (late 1700's) it was largely religious freedom the Germans were seeking.

    Later (1800-1815) people all over Europe were fleeing the turmoil caused by the Napoleonic Wars including large numbers of Germans.

    In the 1850's-60's European monarchies started to fall, there was turmoil in some German states as well.

    By the mid-1800's the industrial revolution was well underway... this started causing widespread unemployment as factories became mechanized and did not need as much labor.  By then there were quite a few German immigrants living in what was then the West.... but what we now consider the Midwest (Minn., Wis., Ill., Ind., etc.).  Having a place to go where people are generally like you makes it easier to leave home.... and is also why some areas of the country have far more German surnames than others.

    During that same time period German taxes were rising and the population was increasing.  This made land difficult to come by.... and they were giving it away in America.  Further, the law then said that only the eldest son could inherit property... so if you were not the eldest your prospect of having your own land was pretty slim.  Thus lots of men and their families crossed over to America.

    Pretty much just like everyone else... German's came to America for a variety of reasons but across the board they were seeking a better life.


  5. they  got secret  "rabbit holes"..  all over   the coast!!..

      and   like  driving  da  Beemers   on  speed limited  highways..

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