
Why are there so many Liberal females...?

by Guest32258  |  earlier

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that are so jealous of Sarah Palin that they can only dog her and slam her and be vicious towards her? She should be the kind of woman you should all support unless you think your own s*x is not capable of running anything more than pet grooming shop. I have 5 daughters and they all think shes the greatest thing on the scene to advance the cause of women.




  1. Not jealous, not in awe. . . .I am suspicious of her!  I want my daughter and grand-daughter to have choices  . . . choices in reproduction and choices in beliefs.  Sarah Palin represents the right-wing evangelical movement who actually would have it that ALL of us would believe as they do.  You know, science is bad, victims of rape and incest should be forced to carry a baby to term from that violent act, and we must continue to procreate beyond optimal reproductive years. . . . etc. etc.  

  2. My daughters too are excited about Palin and they are all under 24. Family values can exist in modern America and Palin will show the way.

  3. She is not the one to advance the cause of women. Nothing to do with jealousy just common sense. We need to get past these titles such as liberal and conservatives and get real as to what needs to be done.

  4. Why do you assume jealousy is the issue?  I have no problem admitting that she's attractive.  So what?  And why should women support her candidacy just because she is a woman?  The line about "pet grooming shop" is not only condescending, it's completely irrelevant.  

    I feel sorry for your five daughters.  They need a better role model.

  5. Because McCain has an abyssmal voting record on women's issues!

  6. The same thing was done to Hillary, remember? Well, I do. Remember how Hillary was "Shrillary" or "Hitlery?" How Obama somehow had more experience than Hillary? How Hillary couldn't be trusted because she stayed with her cheating husband? How she had "cankles" and was a "bit*h?" How when she cried, she was either faking or weak?  I have not forgotten and although I may not agree with Palin on everything, I will not stand for the sexist treatment she is receiving (shockingly, even from women)  

    The guy above me just disqualified Palin for being mother to a disabled child, for goodness sake!  And some other idiot actually called her a "s***k!"

  7. those aren't women their are internet boy-girls!

    Run away its a trap! :P

  8. There seems to be a lot of liberal, girlie guys out there.

  9. I am sure she can advance the cause of women, but that is not the principal job of the commander in chief. Or the vice-president. Its her expertise in other areas that I'm concerned about.

  10. the Repubes just sealed thier fate with that tramp'''''''''

  11. Surely you jest. She's anti-abortion, anti-g*y marriage and pro-gun. If you wanted to gain female votes, she wasn't the one to choose.  She also has a 4 month old special needs child that needs her worse than we do.  

  12. I'm sure you had good things to say about Hillary too huh?

    Heh heh heh!

    Blame McCain for poor judgement again, sir

    We don't like her because her political views are contrary to ours and we are not stupid enough to vote for her as a Hillary replacement

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