
Why are there so many Sarah Palin fans?

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Most people on here didn't even know her before today. I'm not saying she's not a good candidate, but I see avatars and Sarah rocks and go Palin '08. I didn't hear anything about her a while ago. So what's with the sudden "fan base?" Did she do something great? I read on her, and she's been a governor of Alaska for two years. Also, what would people say if something happened to McCain while he was president? I'm not hoping for it, but I do think its a reasonable question. Would people be comfortable with her as "president?"




  1. cause she is hot! she is better looking than Hillary was when Bill was elected the 1st time. Expect to see face everywhere from now to november

  2. yes i would.  

  3. Because she is running for VP. Obama supporters really (seriously) hate strong opinionated women. take a look at the last woman who went against them ans then consider what they said about her...

    Yep Hillary, they called her everything in the book and questioned her competency.

  4. because they are clinging to an image that is not real the "hockey mom" with 5 kids, who is pro-life and a "christian woman" who is also a member of the NRA so all our guns won't be taken away, they could not relate to john mccain so they are "relating" to her.  this is exactly what the republicans wanted to happen and they are suckering them in, luckily many women and men see right through it.

    oh and she's not like that black man with the "funny" name who must be a terrorist! (sarcasm)

  5. They're the same 5 douches who keep posting on here.  Pay them no heed.

  6. Not so!  I've been researching her for the past few weeks and she was my choice over Mitt or Pawlenty, or anyone else.  I just didn't think that McC would recognize what a gem she was!  I underestimated him.  He's more astute than I thought.

    She has more qualifications for vp than Obama has to be president!  Plus, she is self-made, without questionable associates/backers, and without a family dynasty or a husband who paved the way for her.

    When Bill Clinton or Ronald Reagan became president, did they bring anything more to the table than Sarah brings?  

    I am so proud that he chose her!

  7. there's not--those fans are the same ole mccain fans.

  8. A women as a possible Vice President Candidate.



  9. because it's obvious, just from reading her wikipedia page, that she is not full of s**z

  10. Because she is just like the rest of Americans except she decided to become a politican.  

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