
Why are there so many atheists here?

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i dont want to offend anyone but i just want to ask something thats been bothering me.

if this section is called "religion and spirituality" then why are there so many atheists in this section? i thought atheists didnt have a religion. why are you here? also, you guys always accuse us (christians) of shoving our beleifs down your throat, but, you come here and ridicule OUR beliefs and shove YOUR beleifs down our throat.

tell me if i'm wrong but i think you guys are hypocrites.

(i asked this a while ago but it didnt show. why?)




  1. Well cause you know they really don't want to talk about god over in automotive or the movies sections

  2. Lots of sheep wandering around.  They only have one pen - the church, without it they would wither away or learn the truth.  Atheists don't have fantasy beliefs - we just love to hear the flights of fantasy of the faithful that love to bend their knees to the beggars of their beliefs, that is what you call your preachers, priests or etc.  They take your money, live good lives and you are afraid of your own shadow.  .To pay the price of ignorance and paying money to the pathetic virtues of some church is outrageous, but again, it is your choice.  Has anyone of you faithful ones ever thought that the truth is actually free, costs you nothing and makes you a good ethical person?  To be free of judgment of your fellow man and appreciate nature is a wonderful thing,

    Our purpose then is to freely educate you - and, that is why we are here.

  3. You're right! We don't have a religion! *beams*

    oh, but just a little folks who DO have a don't have a monopoly on spirituality. Even if you like to think that

  4. Probably because they feel their beliefs don't get enough respect and/or attention in the mainstream of our society.  

  5. Maybe it didn't show before because YA got tired of seeing this same question 20 times a day. Try that "discover" option up there

  6. why are humans in the cat section.

    lol they are not cats

    the ridicule is brought on by yourselves, you are jerks everyone else and then when they do it back you cry

    you are a hypocritical a*****e

    if you cant understand after this post you are very stupid and lucky you can work a comp

  7. because somebody has to be here to answer this question every 10 minutes.


  8. Do I have to be beat over the head by a cop to have an opinion on Police Brutality?

    Same thing.

  9. Sigh...because it's funny to laugh at the sheep.

    I wish I wasn't here though, because reading your post...full of spelling and grammatical errors is too much work.

    Maybe you should pick up a book other than the bible...or pray about it.

  10. Because you need us...

    Atheists give some flava in this section

  11. I am here to try to understand why people believe the way they do. Also to attempt to correct the various lies that are said about us. I do my best not to try to force anything on anybody. I don't care what others believe as long as they do no harm because of it  or use it t make me live my life because of it. There are a lot of holier than thous here that feel only they have the answer to control others lives. Are you one?


  12. So you think they should ban everyone thats an atheist from accessing this section? Maybe you guys should stop asking so many questions about atheists and that would keep us away...

  13. Atheist can have religion, and can be spiritual. Ex: Buddhists.

    I learn about other religions here. Like LeVayen Satanism.

    And as for your last statement, kiss my shiny metal @ss.

  14. It didn't show because this question has been asked so many times, even the Yamster is sick of it.

    Now hold still while I shove my beliefs down your throat.

  15. You do not need to be religious or spiritual to participate in a Q&A forum about religion and spirituality.

    Just as you do not need to be a cat to participate in a forum about cats.

    We need to think more critically.

    Be careful, your hate is showing.

  16. Just as you love to spread your gospel, so do we Atheists desire to share with religious folk our logic and the joy that comes with Atheism!

  17. We are everywhere, and you have no idea how many of us there are. We are here because religion is the enemy of reason, with a track record of murderous violence thousands of years long. The sooner religion goes extinct the better for all of us - religion has earned all the ridicule and contempt  that we can throw at it and then some!

  18. Just because somebody does not follow a religion does not mean they are unintelligent in the subject.

    "I don't want to offend anyone, but I think you guys are hypocrites"


  19. *Cheers*

    Tell me if I'm wrong, but I think you are incapable of properly using the search for questions bar.

    And since I am willing to bet that in your vast study of world religions, you failed to learn that vimanas are the flying vehicles mentioned in the Vedas (an actual question I answered here), I think I'll just stay right where I am.

    Thanks all the same though.

  20. To keep informed on fundie antics so we are ready and able to take down the zombies and their evil pastor overlords when the time comes.

  21. Spiritual belief in a god is not a prerequisite for an intellectual interest in religion (for the 13th time).

  22. True many atheists here like to express their beliefs but online forums is  all we have.  Its not like we can go door to door.

    Also, this section is for discussion about religion and spirituality, and the atheists on here weren't always atheists.  Many of them have even more knowledge about religion than the believers on this forum.

    Can only pregnant women or parents go to the Pregnancy and Parenting section?  No, but many people who aren't parents or pregnant may have a lot of valuable information for others.

    Besides, if atheists weren't allowed in this section, then the discussions on this forum would be quite boring, wouldn't it?  It would just be a bunch of religions arguing over whose God is the true god.  A good forum needs give and take.  Period.

  23. Some, but not all, of the answers are:

    Firstly, it takes lots of atheists to shove their s h i t down a believer's throat, ergo more of them are, and every where in the world.

    Secondly, atheists are very logical people. They have deduced that the more they ridicule or shove, the more they may convince.

    Thirdly, it's good fun and seemingly harmless.

    Fourthly, they are confident/convinced they are right (but sometimes ALSO because they are NOT confident they are right).

    Fifthly, they have tried a religion and it has not proven to be ummm convincing.

    Sixthly, they need to p i s s religious people off (hey, it's fun).

    Lastly, there's no section for no-religion, and not wanting to be rude, this would be a good place to bash up the believers.

  24. We have an interest in "converting" people also... It is important to us that people do not live this one life they have in a delusional state.

  25. Girl you've been on here for almost a YEAR. This has been asked a billion times, you have yet to come to an understanding?

    1. Free country

    2. Just because someone is an atheist doesn't mean they aren't interested in other people and what they believe and why.

    3. Some atheists still consider themselves to be spiritual. Especially those who are Buddhist. Hence part of the section title!

    4. If you don't like us here, STOP TALKING ABOUT US. It was nasty questions to and about us that got my attention in the first place.

    5. Atheist questions still pertain to what people believe, so this is the appropriate section.

    All the religious people who wouldn't shut up about us to start with drew a lot of people here. And they bit their own selves in the rear by turning it into a popular hang out, because unlike in real life we can be open about it and others like us are actually visible.

  26. To answer "why are atheists here" questions all day


  27. Ah another Christian that is ignorant of a simple definition and showing the typical Christian intolerance!!

    ATHEIST -  someone who does not believe in a God – any God – not just the Christian one.  But that does not mean they do not hold strong moral or religious beliefs!  They can follow any religion that does not have a god and there are a lot of those!!

    Great ones like BUDDHISM – Religious teaching from Buddha and his followers that by destroying greed, hatred and delusion (the cause of all suffering) man can attain perfect enlightenment!!

    Whilst Christianity and Islam are vying for the largest religion atheists and the mother religions vastly outnumber both combined!!

    But what is it you not understand about this being an open forum?!!!

    Surely you lack the tolerance and intellect to discuss and debate on a public forum - so feel free to leave!!

    But why not stay, learn some tolerance, grow your intellect and in the process become a much better person!!!!

  28. Their presence is welcome, especially those who want to test how strong the faith of others are and those who want to seek and to explore another and alternative view on the purpose of life.

  29. Sorry, I'll stop posting in Royalty, Cats and L*****n, g*y, Bi & Transgender as I am clearly not of royal decent, not a cat, and though I am g*y I am not L*****n, bi or transgender.


  30. Atheism is a religion.

    And they're trying to make sure that their voices are heard as well.

  31. Good points.  I can only speak for myself, but I do because I feel like this is a forum for questions and answers on the subjects of "religion and spirituality," not a club for the religious and spiritual.

    "Religion, oh, just another of those numerous failures resulting from an attempt to popularize art." -Pound

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