
Why are there so many bad drivers in texas?

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seems like are more in texas than in other places




  1. Maybe a lot of Asians live there.

  2. It's all the transplants that moved here from up north. Damned Yankees think they're on the freeway all the time.

  3. There are bad drivers every where. You just have to practice defensive driving.

  4. Bad drivers are everywhere. Texas is bigger, that's why there are more bad drivers there. More good drivers too.

  5. California is a pretty bad state.  Sacramento and LA are horrible.  Everyone around us is focused on the fast cars so everyone zips around.  You want a good state, go to Iowa.  I went to my Company's home office around Christmas a year ago.  noone has expensive cars and the lanes are sooooo small I had the worst time drive on the roads.  Everyone drove great though!

  6. go to detroit and see if you see any there they are really bad there and they go so fast you can't hardly keep up with them its not jsut texas i have lived here quite awhile and know they are nuts here but not all of them just a few and the cops are keeping them busy and off the roads best they can take care.

  7. Then you've obviously never been to Florida. People in Florida drive like they're drunk.

  8. That's because you haven't been to Miami. I'm serious, it's horrible. I thought I read we were the worst in the nation. We're #1 so don't take that away from us ok!!! lol

  9. I disagree.  There's not.

    The first poster is wrong about the obesity.  For every obese person there is at least four normal sized people.  Texas is the tenth fattest state.  Mississippi is the fattest.

  10. they moved in from california! 80 miles an hour whereever they go!

  11. Well I live in Texas and I kinda agree with you but it also depends on where you're at in the in the metroplex..I think people drive crazy there because there are so many people from ALL over the world there. I lived in a small city in Texas and they drove fine ..then I moved to Dallas talk about impatient...some guy will honk and cut you off only to see the same dude at the next light?!?

  12. Nope. You should see the drivers in Kentucky.

  13. Try driving in Los Angeles...TX is a dream!

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