
Why are there so many bitter English supporters out there?

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Check out the BBC website sports section. I've never known such a bitter response to Welsh success than this year!

The English fans there seem to think the only reason Wales won the Grand Slam is because of a poor English performance during the second half in Twickenham.

Please give Wales credit where it is due! You do not win two Grand Slams in four years on sheer luck. It would be good to hear from the real English fans who know their rugby and recognise a truly excellent performance when they see it, regardless of emblem on the shirts!




  1. The english are like this with everything they have got there heads right up their ****,

    well done wales

    and it was good to see us lift the culcutta cup, but overall we were not to good

  2. Because of their " it's ours by right " attitude ( not all , but a large number) they have a lot to be bitter about.

    Their last game against Ireland was maybe a glimpse of the future. If so , and I hope so cause I like a game with a lot of movement , look out.

    Wales have done well. Interesting to see how they shape up in South Africa and in November when the Southern teams head North.

  3. well where do you start there just bad loosers they are same when it comes to footie well done WALES you won because you played well not because England did not

  4. lets face it.

    you won because we were c**p.

    I am sorry but thats reality love.

    brilliant! you egg chasing fans are soooo easy to wind up!

    dont even like rugby

    ha ha

  5. I doubt whether a psychologist can answer this question; it is not simply English supporters v Welsh success. It is the same "tribalism" that exists in all sports, at club level in the same country, district  v district, north v south, etc. You only have to read though the sports questions to see what I mean.  And it is not just an English problem; did you see the anti England stuff on here from some Scottish football fans, when England were eliminated from the Euro. Champs?

  6. With the amount of talent available England were a failure.

    However, if they had not succumbed to the Welsh onslaught in the second half of the first international this season the result of the Championship would have been so much different.

  7. what kind of sad prick is kolo im irish i dont think ireland played all that well but its not why wales won its because they played with heart and passion an kolol is being typically english and the awnser to your question is england cant bear it when they get beat at anything from bowls to rugby so they turn bitter

  8. coz they english lol and jealous lol

  9. well Keira i for one will not be tarred with that brush, my wife is Welsh and she has put up with years of abuse from me and the kids, but on Saturday i could only say that Wales were deserved of their title, in this tournament they have been good, great, brilliant, fantastic and finally OUTSTANDING! and my point was proved correct, get the defence right and let the tries just happen, WELL DONE WALES! by  the way i am not only  English i  am a League fan, and if more union sides played like Wales did on Saturday you would have more supporters.

  10. Rugby Union in England is still a game for the upper classes from the universities etc whether they accept it or not. The English who play the game have an inbred arrogance that leads them to believe that they have a divine right to be the best at everything and that they only have to turn up to win at everything. Fair enough they won the world cup 5 years ago but with an outstanding team that were ageing and not replaced. The fans thought the team would go on winning and winning but they didn't. They were lucky to get to the world cup final again but with the French rebuilding and in dissaray they scraped through against them. Icannot understand why they all put up with Johnny wonderboy Wilkinson for he is about as much use as a chocolate fireguard. All he can do is kick, he's injury prone, he can tackle a bit but he cannot run with the ball and quite often cannot pass in the right place. Having had their divine right to win quashed even by Scotland who won only once this year the supporters have to find some excuse for it don't they so they pick on everything apart from the fact that their team were c**p and Wales and even Scotland superior on the day. I suppose they said 'Oh we would have beaten Scotland but the ground was wet and slippery.It was however wet and slippery for both teams. I suppose they were agitated that they could not sing their loathsome and highly irritating song...'sweet chariot.' so that will give added venom to their writings. At the end of the day they want to blame everything but the one thing they should and that is that their team were abysmal for most of the competition.   Okay Im neither welsh, Scottish, Irish, French or Italian but English and Im glad that Wales and the Scots beat them for they play the most boring rugby possible. Having said that I'm also a rugby league fan butput up with union when there is no league on although I did play union for 17 years.

  11. In wales rugby is basically free to watch all year round...(apart from the HC).

    In England you have to buy rugby and sky sports media packages to view it.

    There is a h**l of a lot of money at stake, for the clubs, the broadcasters the advertisers..everyone. way passed the point where the competition (us) can expect fair or honest coverage from Murdoch.

    Giving wales and the magners league any credit essentially means there is a  product that people can watch for nothing  just a click away of equal or even better quality.

    This is simply not going to happen..Murdoch and his pals are not in the business of losing competitions and English Rugby's selling point is it's quality..

    When the sky sports super hyped up English rugby stars fail miserably internationally this has got to be rationalised somehow..

    After-all who is going to folk out to watch sky sports stars if they consistently fail the acid test?

    What you get is a predictable Murdoch message thrown out there, repeated by the Murdoch press (he owns the press) and picked up by supporters, who throw it straight back in our faces..

    It is not English "banter" or "arrogance" it is simply corporate spiel and Murdoch media bullshit.

    The  thing is "English fans"  don't realise they are doing  it, why they are doing it - or even how unpleasant it looks.

  12. Who cares? We are a proud nation. We know what we have achieved and nothing can take it away. Sticks and stones.......

  13. I'm Irish so reasonably neutral on this.

    But had England won the GS, would Welsh fans have congratulated them?

    I doubt it as there is more anti-English feeling on here than anti-Welsh. some hypocrasy I think.

  14. hey you guy's won the grand slam fair and square playing good rugby in the process, so here is one English guy who applauds your success.

  15. Ha Ha! I was waiting for sour grapes, and KOLO came up trumps!

    Just shocked that the last 2 RWC has not been mentioned!

    But I am patient!

  16. Wales had a fantastic match!

    England seem to enjoy disappointing their fans, making stupid mistakes and allowing the other team to win on penalty points in some cases!!

  17. Craiginh...

    I was about to agree with you, then someone like KOLO wades in and spoils it.

    Can't these people all go and play football

  18. Their bitter because the other teams didn't roll over and LET England win !!!

    As is the case with ALL sports the English believe they have this God given right to Win everything unopposed !!! So when they don't win they either get bitter or come up with some stupid excuse that it was only a building process tournament ?!?!

  19. It was a sound performance by the Welsh - no doubt about it.

    As for the England game, Wales played good rugby for 80 mins, we only managed it for 50 - Wales won out and deservedly so...

    And equally Scotland deserved the Calcutta cup for much the same reasons...

    Strifey your a muppet, not all the English are like that.


  20. You won, not because you had better players than the others but because you were well coached, had lots of confidence to try things and had an outstanding defence. English fans are just jealous as they know they had a chance to win this year but blew it....twice. Maybe they can't accept the lack of mental strength in their team? Anyway, I doubt the people criticising Wales are proper rugby fans.

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