
Why are there so many car accidents in Egypt?

by  |  earlier

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And what should be done to improve?




  1. Because people believe if they are faster, they'll arrive faster.  The truth is that they never arrive!

    Many people don't respect any traffic law or any traffic light for that matter.  A little respect would change things!

  2. i dont think we have many car accedents according to other countries

    in egypt car accedent means a scratch or something, but in europe accedent means death and accedent on a free way is a disaster

  3. because they drive like TOTAL MANIACS- no regard for lanes or  courtesy, NO HEADLIGHTS, it's all about how fast can "I" get ahead of everybody else. It's like that all over North Africa, and in many other places as well.

  4. if we use more bicycles and less cars


    - less pollution

    -less fat people

    -less accidents

    -less heart and health problems

    -less expensive- better savings

    -cleaner streets.....etc

  5. because many drivers are aggressive and careless .

  6. There needs to be more traffic laws, probably.

  7. because Egypt population is 60 million & its from the third world countries so roads were not designed to bear the huge traffic. my idea is BIRTH CONTROL

  8. Because a lot of Egyptians have been paying too much Need for Speed, I'm not kidding.

  9. 75,042,000 people in 980,869 km² of land. Its a pretty huge population to fit in such a small area. Small roads, with hundreds of cars probably contribute to the traffic accidents. and have you seen the roads and traffic in Egypt.. its unbelievable ! LOL Egyptian drivers are like insanity ! everyone honking, every car stuck to the car in front of it LOL

    my conclusion : enforce some traffic laws, and it'll work wonders LOL

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