
Why are there so many charities ?

by  |  earlier

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Would it not make sense to just have one official charity for each different problem. ie one Cancer charity, one for the blind, one for the deaf, one fro the homless etc. It seems that having so many is leading to a compassion fatigue. Also is it ethical or even legal for so many charities to be split along racial lines ie Afro Caribean mental health, Asians with Special needs. Why does there have to be so many ? It seems to me as though at best its counter productive and at worst people are setting up charities to line their own pockets or boost their egos. Anyone agree or am I just being mean ?




  1. Oh i dont know philip maybe it something to do with tax laws.

  2. Charities are a good business

    You get your stock for nothing, you have voluntary staff and you and your management live a comfortable life

  3. The list has got extended because Crooks Anonymous have got themselves included in the Charity Business. The regular Charities are being shoved out by Sharpers.

  4. It sounds like a good idea but I know nothing about running charities so there may be good reasons to do it the way they do.


  6. Hey look....get your stupid collectivist ideas out of this forum.  We believe in Freedom and Liberty.  If people want to contribute fine...and if they don't that's fine too.  The Government needs to stay the HECK out of it!

    And take your racial inflammation elsewhere

  7. Poor has nothing to do with it, our world has become a feeding ground for fakers who play us against real and needed charities, in Canada and America we have a very large charity called the greater united way , within this charity we find that every community in all the provinces and states gets the most coverage for dollar,  if you are sick of throwing your money , just ask around your town or city almost every family in North America has been touched by the united way in one way or another. the united way is a group of many charities that are  well deserved, they provide for un wed mothers the blind, and most of all our soldiers returning home who are in need for medical and spiritual help. and their families, while they are over there doing what needs to be done, what would our countries look like if we didn't have the united way? let me tell you , just read the paper, every day  of what is going on in some Godforsaken parts of the world of people who do not help one another. I know your sick of hearing them beg for money but how else could it be done,  By letting the government do it, Fat chance just look at New Orleans

  8. i agree there are certain benefits to what you propose and i agree that with added regulation, there would be fewer people 'lining their own pockets'. however some people set up charities as a sort of self help project. perhaps they have lost a loved one to cancer, etc, and the control and management of their own charity has a sort of therapeutic nature to it.

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