
Why are there so many conservatives on Y!A?

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Every time there is a question regarding climate change and what we can do to green ourselves and our planet, there are always conservatives saying global warming is nothing more than a hoax by the democrats. The threat of global warming is real. Why are they so blind to see that?




  1. We're to wrapped up in facts to see what you see.

    The earths avg. temp has risen less than 1 degree over the last 100 years and it hasn't risen at all in the last 10 years.

         With that said where's the global warming? or when you democrats say global warming it doesn't actually mean a change in temperature?

  2. We are everywhere...Thank God!  We must show you leftists the err of your ways.  Algore is as wrong as two boys holding hands...did we not just finish the coldest winter in 20 years?  He and his "the sky is falling" scare tactics are so transparent its a joke!

    Help a Lumberjack   Don't Recycle!!!!!!!!!

  3. Is global warming the problem? will all life cease because it gets warmer? no.

    I'd rather focus on a real problem like water management to prevent shortages and reduce desertification. History has already shown how areas that are well forested and quite fertile can become dust in the wind. I'm for several green solutions to problems and think that proper farming techniques could save our country in the long run. But as for a temperature increase, I should imagine that I'll just move further north in response if it starts to get unbearable. It's not as if the earth hasn't had higher temperatures that supported life. We just hadn't evolved into humans yet. And given enough generations we'll continue to match our abilities against the trials of the environment.

  4. I guess it's the millennia of astrodial and geothermal events that has us doubting the damage of a Honda Accord

  5. Why are you so blind to see that perhaps nor every single bad thing that happens on this planet is due to global warming. The same people who claim intolerance and ignorance of people who deny global warming are also displaying that same ignorance when scientist bring up contradictory evidence. They refuse to accept any other answer. Such as this peculiar coincidence that seems that shows temp and increase in sun spots generally coincide.

    But ask someone who agrees with global warming, and they'll just shout you down.

  6. This question is as baseless as you.

  7. People like me and the FIFTY NINE lobbyists on my staff PAY them to be online ALLLLLLL day and to be mean and delete questions and answers that go against our agenda of turning the entire US into one GIANT Corporation of Corruption.

  8. We are not blind just well informed. The left has bamboozled you so much over the years you don't know what to believe. Human caused warming is a flat out lie.

  9. Conservatives abound because they have common sense and are intelligent.

    Real huh ? Where's your proof ? Global warming isn't real just because you say it is.

    Are you so foolish that you can't see its a cover for the socialist. Socialist try to control your lives and tell you how to live, where to live, what products you can use, etc, etc. and you my friend have fallen hook line and sinker for their lies.

    If its real, can you tell me why the 4 major weather centers in the world have measurements that show temperature as having pleatued since 1998 ? Can you explain how termerature in 2007 was recorded as having dropped 1/2 a degree in ALL 4 centers ?

    How about that melting ice cap, there's evidence that it is supposedly melting and increasing. Did you go there yourself with your measuring tape to measure it yourself ?

    Fact is your running with the ball and you don't know. You are believing everything they tell you and sucking it up.

    Your acting like chicken little and in this world today my friend, chicken little never solved anything, it was the scientists that remained calm and level headed that resolved problems of the past.

    Maybe you can explain why there's been reported low temperatures all over the northern hemisphere, or why the hottest day recorded is 10 years old and not happening.

    have you seen the dust thrown into the atmosphere from these volcanoe eruptions ? So i'm supposed to believe that man kind has done anything on that kind of magnatude to polute the air ? Get real, open your eyes to the lies.

    And who's getting rich from the lies ? Al Gore and his cronies. Liberals are known for jumping on the band wagon of causes without looking before they leap. Maybe conservatives are a bit slow to join in, but that's because we sort through the BS to find the truth. I'm not going to vote in taxes that hurt me and the country just because some politician says 'boo'. And Al Gore is a politician, made a movie that's been proven to lie to us.

    At least back in the 70's and on, we attacked the problems of pollution, It was done responsibly to reduce the amounts in the air and water, things have been slowly getting better year by year and will i'm sure continually keep going as we find new technologies and ways of doing things.

    Your carbon footprint stupidity is only shifting around the credits and selling them at auction to people that produce too much. Let me ask you....who is it that thinks they are so smart that has determined what level is TOO MUCH ? And in all this scam, it isn't reducing carbon, its just shifting it around. And where is the evidence that carbon is a bad thing ? Its part of the natural cycle here on earth.

  10. Sometimes the truth is too scary to face.  Also, it is difficult for some to put forth the effort to "save the planet"  Many comforts that we would rather NOT do without.

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