
Why are there so many extreme religion fanatics on Yahoo Answers posting "All Atheists are evil?"?

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I had no idea Yahoo! was so into Jesus Christ.




  1. I don't agree with atheists but i don't hate them either. I'm not judgmental.

  2. There are a few, but most of the religious are not so fanatical.  They think we are evil, because we present them valid arguments which make them think about their beliefs..  It pains them to have to deal with reality.

  3. anonymity.

  4. I know what you mean... Religions should put all their bibles together, take out the common values in life (of which, there are many), make a movie and book about it and use all the money that is being sucked up by religions to promote it...


    Don't use any book and just go by your own common sense... I bet I'll get a whole lotta' virgos agreeing w/ that 1!

  5. You have no idea, they even hire church folks to sit in the back room and send Violation Notices.

    Funny thing though, these church folks don't get their wages in dollars, they get paid in points.

  6. People get defensive.

  7. I'm atheist, so don't expect this from me. I try to be respectful in my comments about religion though, I guess alot of Atheitcs and Agnostics tend to make out that only their belief (or lack of belief) is the right one, which would rightly annoy a strong believer. I have nothing against religious types, This God that they believe in, he obviously does some good for them, even if I don't believe he exists, or ever has.

  8. they arent evil they are just stupid

  9. They don't just post "All Atheists are evil"....they also post "Everyone who doesn't believe exactly as I do are evil."

  10. Because they're so insecure with their own beliefs that they see the existence of someone else with differing beliefs as a threat that makes them question their own beliefs so they can't live and let live, they feel a need to force their beliefs on everyone around them.

  11. Huh...the "extreme religion fanatics on Y!A" I've seen post things that generally go something like this: "Christians, if...then why...?"

  12. Because they ARE!!!

    (At least I am!)

  13. Errr...

    Trolls? They are easy to pick out. For example they signed up  like today and have fifty point in their account and keep asking the same question, again and again....

    No true Christian would say that.

  14. d**n, you noticed that too?  i'm surprised by that also.  must be a lot of old, bored hags that figure they can do their part to right the world by condemning everyone they dont agree with and telling everyone how (supposedly) righteous they are.

  15. Because they're extreme religious fanatics.

    Anything that goes against their beliefs, to them, is inheritantly evil.


  16. Atheist are the spawn of the devil and his prosititute. It is truth. A mob of angry discontents from dysfunctional famiilies haranguinging the devout and faithful for the sins of their own earthly parents.

    All the political spinning in the world wont make it appear any different.

    **its YA HAM-ster...** No Personal affront inferred, have a beautiful day.

  17. What I don't get is why it's jsut athiests being targeted.  But that is also why i keep my religion secret :D

  18. I look at it this way, if a person has respect towards another person, well then I think of this verse, WHAT YOU DO TO THEM YOU DO TO ME ALSO! The spirit dwells not only unseen, but also in every human being! That is have respect, that is bind to specter? That is every human being that specter dwells in! Then you wonder why it says, the spirit DOES NOT DWELL IN BUILDINGS MADE BY THE HANDS OF MANKIND?  

  19. because athiests love to wind people up on here so much

  20. when the religious say that.. its like getting hate mail from hitler

    no big deal  

  21. Unfortunately, fully half of the population is of below average intelligence.

  22. its not all religious fanatics

    its just christians

    they believe their made up little idea that jesus for some reason died for their sins and they can do whatever they want and still be saved.

    but they love imposing other people

  23. it's the all or nothing types that think that Religion and Science can't coexist peacefully.  There are extremists on both sides, and they just love to poke each other.  

  24. Because religious fanatics naturally like to post on religion-themed forums.  People tend to post on forums whose topics interest themselves.

    As for why atheists seem to be a bigger target than say Wiccans or Hindus, it's probably because there are more atheists here than other non-Christian groups.  Obviously, you don't have to be religious nor have any religious inclinations in order to have an interest in the subject of religion.

  25. <yawn>

    For the same reason that there are so many atheist fanatics on Yahoo Answers posting "All Christians are ignorant".

    I had no idea Yahoo! atheists were so obsessed with God until I came here.

  26. It's because they have all been exposed and their true agenda has been crushed by atheist super power!

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