
Why are there so many girlfriend/boyfriend relationships when Muslims are aware about this one?????

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What happened to this world???




  1. I think what we lack is the total knowledge.... parents teach kids the 5 pillars... but dont make it mandatory to teach other things... so most of them think it is ok.. but actually it is not...

    the other thing being that we wanted to be accepted with the rest of the crowd.

    I think we should bring awarness.. but where to start is my question..:-(

  2. Islam is not the way it should be followed. Its easy to say I am a muslim and Isam is my relgion rather then actually practice what the relgion says.  

  3. umm well what do u really mean by the girlfriend/boyfriend "relationship"? This so called "relationship" is just a very pathetic way to be together and fulfill your pleasure. In today's world, most guys are trying to attract women just to feel like a "real man", and most women are attracting guys using the latest trends so that they can feel like they r ruling them....its sad but its the truth. In simple words, "Love" and "girlfriend/boyfriend relationship" are now two different terms. In Islam, single men and women can be friends without marriage IF they follow all the terms, such as not having close contacts and showing respect to each other. Falling in love is different, and its only allowed if you respect that woman/man and will take care of em after marriage. In simple words, love=marriage. Again, you must read the holy Quran to fully understand this issue, and again Allah knows the best.


  4. I have a girlfriend

  5. It's a sign of the times....

  6. You don't actually expect an answer right? This is more of a "Hey we have a problem and I want to rant about it" type of question, right?

    Good rant, if you used a little too many question marks and not enough slashes.

    I'm a little cold. But yeah Girlfriend/Boyfriend thing... I donno you should do more research into it to be honest, try to find reasons and dont just ask a few people

  7. Sadly it is true, cause most of us forgot that this world is test, we didn't pay Much attention to our holly religion, our Nafis took our faith,

    Make dua'a for them!!

    happy Ramadan!!

  8. Because of  atmospher/surroundings, and upbrining of children in such a way that they donot consider it as a sin. it is due to distance from Islam,  

  9. Simple many give in to their nafs (desires) rather adhering to Allah (swt) laws, its a shame!

  10. Boyfriend and Girlfriend relationships have always been there, just as Husband and Wife relationships have always been. It's just the way things are. You cant change the way some people want to live !i

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