
Why are there so many global warming skeptics? Do people just not care?

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Okay, so maybe I'm the one who needs the lecture. Not only are there tons of facts and articles on the proof of global warming, but you can see it every day. Irregular weather patterns, 'natural' catastrophes(though I don't see what is so natural that is caused by our bad resource habits). And please, someone who understands what I'm talking about answer, I don't need a skeptics answer because all the non-believers who don't see how real global warming is, you're a skeptic, heard your comments too many times before.




  1. To my experience, the skeptics tend to know more about the issue than the "activists"

  2. Its really just here in Yahoo Answers that i see the most nay sayers. The worldwide public opinion and overwhelming opinions of "real scientists" do not reflect what is said here in yahoo.

    I don't know what it is about this place, but I think its just that a lot of misinformed people are "educating" less informed people to create an army of ignorance.

  3. Climate change is a money and power grab scheme by bottom feeder politicians and power brokers. It's nothing to do with ecology and everything to do with money.

    Con artists like Gore have enriched themselves on this issue, taking home Oscars, Nobel Prizes and millions of dollars. Meanwhile, evangelical leaders are setting up their flocks for extreme fleecing by leftist politicos like Barack Obama, who will appeal for Christian votes by talking in glowing, biblical-sounding terms about "being good stewards of God's creation."

    Here is truth about global warming:

    Global warming is one-half of the climatic cycle of warming and cooling.

    The earth's mean temperature cycles around the freezing point of water.

    This is a completely natural phenomenon which has been going on since

    there has been water on this planet. It is driven by the sun.

    Our planet is currently emerging from a 'mini ice age', so is

    becoming warmer and may return to the point at which Greenland is again usable as farmland (as it has been in recorded history).

    As the polar ice caps decrease, the amount of fresh water mixing with oceanic water will slow and perhaps stop the thermohaline cycle (the oceanic heat 'conveyor' which, among other things, keeps the U.S. east coast warm).

    When this cycle slows/stops, the planet will cool again and begin to enter another ice age.

    It's been happening for millions of years.

    The worrisome and brutal predictions of drastic climate effects are based on computer models, NOT CLIMATE HISTORY.

    As you probably know, computer models are not the most reliable of sources, especially when used to 'predict' chaotic systems such as weather.

    Global warming/cooling, AKA 'climate change':

    Humans did not cause it.

    Humans cannot stop it.

  4. I was thinking along the lines of

    Why are there so many global warming skeptics? Do people just not care?

    Okay, so maybe I'm the one who needs the lecture. Not only are there tons of facts and articles on the proof of global warming, but you can see it every day. Irregular weather patterns, 'natural' catastrophes(though I don't see what is so natural that is caused by our bad resource habits). And please, someone who understands what I'm talking about answer, I don't need a skeptics answer because all the non-believers who don't see how real global warming is, you're a skeptic, heard your comments too many times before.


  5. Global warming has been happening ever since the earth was created. It will continue to happen and there isnt really too much we can do about it. Unfortunately we have people who are causing an alarm, when you cant really control the earth and its patterns. Read up on your earth history, its been going on for millions of years.

  6. The world is warmer now than it was 10,000 years ago so global warming is a fact.  Humans, according to the models cause less effect than the margin of error in their models and the models don't account for moderation effects of clouds and various other feedback mechanisms that may exist. About all you can say is that it is likely that human contribution is less than a degree. Saying that it is caused by bad resource habits is just wishful thinking.  Warmer weather doesn't increase hurricanes nor does it cause the devastation of the globe.  Those are nothing but rants from environmentalists that need crisis.  It is not OK to fudge facts and call it science just because it makes you feel better.  We don't need to run around like chickens with our heads cut off to care.  There has never been a rational reason given to care unless temperature changes of such a small magnitude can be translated into some sort of environmental disaster.  Warmer nights, longer growing seasons, more efficient photosynthesis are not doom of the planet unless there is some sort of preconceived notion that man is evil and he destroys everything he touches.

  7. Because we are so self centered to believe we can control the weather.  Indian rain dances? Or Mayan priests that controlled the weather and brought rain -- until the 200 year drought (oops).

    We evolved to learn that floods, earthquakes, tsumani's, hurricanes, tornados and drought are not because the "gods are angry" at us but "natural" cycles.

    Now once again we are back to "we control the weather/climate".  And every natural disaster is now blamed on Global Warming.  And you are surprised that some people will say "HUH?!?"

  8. The main thing I would say to you is be of good cheer.  You accomplish more good than you know, just by being here.  I just got blocked by the two biggest jerks who post here.  I wondered if I was doing any good.  Now I know I am.

    If you would, take a second to read my Earth day response.  Maybe it will help.


  9. look at some of the articles on this website

  10. Nothing you can do about it hippie. A coal power plant goes online in China or India every week

  11. most do it because of political ideology. if the left is working so hard to stop global warming, then they must be completely wrong about it. its also pretty convenient to claim its not happening, rather then actually altering your lifestyle.

  12. As one who sits in a moderate position, I can say that many people are turned off by the mishandling of information on the subject.  First, there are also scientists who claim the very opposite of what proponents of global warming say about the matter.

    I agree that we should be more responsible with our care of the earth but I also think there are some who speak more out of ignorance than anything else.

    I'll admit that I don't know all the facts.  All I know, (and this is the most that many should be able to say) is that I've "heard" scientists' findings regarding the reality of global warming.  Most people just regurgitate what they've heard others say, and that's what irritates me.  The last thing I want is somebody coming up to me, and forcibly telling me that I am being irresponsible by using a non-"eco-friendly" product.

    It's not so much a matter of being skeptical as it is people being uncomfortable with others crossing boundaries by trying to "make" them do something.  Educate people, but understand it's their choice.

    You come up to someone and tell them that they're evil if they don't drive a Prius and see how many reciprocate with kindness.

  13. See, with you people, its always so emotional.  Plain and simple, because we don't believe, we don't care.

    Do you see the stupidity of that?  

    Its not that we don't care, we love our world, we love our homes, we love our children.  We just don't believe the lies.

  14. Alarmists don't have a monopoly on caring.  How is it caring to play on the ignorant people such as yourself by suggesting that we are going through all these natural catastrophes when in fact there are no more castastophes than usual.  The temperature has risen a half a degree.  The fact that you are freaked out about that shows that alarmists don't care a bean about you.  You should be angry at them for lying to you and angry at yourself for being gullible enough to fall for it.

  15. Well there are different reasons for different skeptics such as religious views, political ideology, apathy (not wanting to be part of the solution), misguided hope, etc.

    My personal favorite for creating the most of those numbers is corporate conspiracy. I am not kidding about this. When a former lobbyist for the oil companies edits the research for the governmental study on global warming it is no wonder people cannot get an accurate idea.

    There are coal companies out there spending big bucks to try to convince people that they can burn clean coal and restore the environment.

    Take YA on the Global warming section for another example. There are those like Mr. Jello who is a "skeptic" that is almost ubiquitous and strangely devoted to proving global warming is a hoax. Ask yourself why would he care so much. He we were just a bunch of nuts why give us the time a day let alone the majority of his waking life.

    I also find it particularly suspicious that this individual has the highest rating of anyone on this section. This can be achieved via multiple accounts, and voting for yourself multiple times every chance you get. Never let your question come up for a vote. Most, not all, vote for themselves anyway.

    Since Mr. Jello's dominance on this board there has been a strange increase in the number of "skeptics in the global warming section. This makes no sense. Even in the Vegetarian and vegan section they still have the majority and that place is troll city.

    Once again it seems corporate greed is trying yet again to buy the publics opinion. The scary thing is they tend to succeed. At least long enough to get what they want.

    All I can say is do your best and continue fighting the powers that be.

    Agape (Spiritual Love)

  16. Well, Global Warming isn't real.  It's warming on Mars too, and I really doubt our man made chemicals got that far.  Hah.

    I care about the environment, I recycle, I plant trees...but I also realize Global warming is NOT real.

    It snowed on a Global Warming converence this weekend, forcing it to be cancelled.  It hasn't just been a below average Winter, but now a spring too.

    Wake up and stop believing the main stream media.  You're gullable.

    Bravo, dude, 10,000 years ago was an Ice Age, I HOPE to heck it's warmer.

    Also a fact, it was warmer in the middle ages than it is now.

    Global warming believers can be so ...selective with the facts.

  17. Because the proof is wrong and it is total biased if you honestly look you will find a lot of info the suggest it is natural.

  18. "Don't make me throw's not science. There is a lot of money to be made in this. If you want to be an eminent scientist you have to have a lot of grad students and a lot of grants. You can't get grants unless you say, 'Oh global warming, yes, yes, carbon dioxide.'”

    Reid Bryson: Founding chairman of the Department of Meteorology at the University of Wisconsin-Madison and of the Institute for Environmental Studies, now known as the Gaylord Nelson Institute for Environmental Studies and also known as the Father of Scientific Climatology.

  19. The climate is warming slightly, just 0.5 degrees in the last 100 years.  And the source for the warming is the Sun, not due to anything man has done.

    We should enjoy the warmth we have today and accept it as just a natural cycle as it won't always be here.

    The Sun is expected to start cooling soon, and when that happens, we'll long for the days of "global warming".

  20. I have yet to see any objective, verifiable, quantitative data linking human activity to the current warming trend.

  21. Being a GW skeptic is like rooting proudly for your favorite sports team, even when your team is so bad there is virtually no way in h**l they could win it all.

  22. Weather has always been irregular.  We used to blame God for it.  Now that most people worship humanity, we blame humanity for it.

    Interesting that you have asked only for those who "know what they are talking about" to answer, but then claim skeptics should not answer.  You reason that skeptics don't know what they are talking about.

    I know the following:

    Hurricanes have been around as long as the oceans have.  They were actually more common in the 1950s than in the 60s, 70s, 80s, or 90s (in the US).  Only in the 2000s did the frequency pick up sharply from 2004-2005, but has slowed down again since.

    Greenland was once populated with people who raised crops and livestock on what is now an ice-covered hole.

    The mini-ice age in the middle of the past millenium caused global crop failures for many decades.

    The reason why natural disasters seem to be worse these days is because we measure their damage in DOLLARS rather than actual intensity.  An earthquake off the coast of British Columbia a few hundred years ago was so intense (probably about a 10 on the Richter scale) that the tsunami from it crossed the Pacific and slammed into Japan.  We don't really care about it because very few people lived in the area at the time, and Japan was isolated from the world.

    The legendary typhoon that destroyed the Mongol fleet invading Japan (the Kamikaze wind) was many centuries ago and changed the course of world history by crippling the military might of the Mongol Empire.

    Interesting how Al Gore claims that 2005 was the hottest year in history, but a re-examination of the data (and any "knowlegable" pro-global warming person will know this) shows that 1933 (or 34?) was in fact warmer.  But everyone simply overlooks this.  

    I really think it stems from our overinflated ego as humans where we think we are responsible for every little mosquito f**t in the world.

  23. Myth, you are just one of the people that believe anything the media says, like the moon landing and 9/11 and what not.

  24. People do not care that they well die someday from Global Warming-----if they saw the facts from Top world scientist they should have a diffrent opinion---common sense----



    those who do not belive stop spreading false rumers---

    if u cant tell im getting a little mad at all these lies


  25. Global warming is real. However, it is for the most part a natural cycle. The earth has always gone through irregular weather patterns. But we Humans haven't been real good stewards of the earth as God wants us to be. There are a lot of things we are doing that could be speeding up the process a bit. And, at the very least, we are depleting our natural resources. God gave us brains, and he gave us science so we can learn how to protect what we have.

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