
Why are there so many haters in the world today?

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Jeez, I mean, a lot of times that I'm on youtube, I see so many people who hate others and say offensive things like the (these two are the most common for me to see) n word and ch word. (You know, incredibly retarded, narrow-minded, brazen ways of saying African American and Asian?)

I'm Asian, and I don't get what the big deal is. I mean, we're different, look different, some sound different. So what? I mean, there are people that go, "Go to **** you ****ing **ink. Slit eyed, thieving, blah-blah-blah-blah..." What's the big deal? Why do so many people hate on other people?

Sorry if it sounds like it's centered on Asians, it's just I really, really, REALLY hate those kinds of narrow-minded, stereotypical, COMPLETELY offensive and COMPLETELY unnecessary statements.

Any thoughts on your behalf?

*And yes, I know that this is in the wrong category, but I had to think of some way to get more people to answer ;)*




  1. Birds of a feather flock together. It is a natural, human means of self-preservation. Racism tends not to be an issue until those of another race intrude upon ones perceived "home turf" in large numbers. It is an undeniable fact that while the indigenous peoples of North America did LIVE here before Europeans did, it was the northern, mainly Protestant Europeans that transformed the U.S.A. and Canada into nation states. Our forebears resented Catholics, even though they were northern Europeans too (e.g. the Irish) because they came in such large numbers during the "Potato Famine." Then they resented the southern Europeans - primarily the Italians.  Those groups have since  learned to get along together because  they do have Christianity as a common bond, and they are all, more or less white.

    Today, with the ready availability of jet-travel, peoples of different cultures,religions and skin colour are flooding in at an unprecedented rate. This  alarms the established population even more than it did in the days of "one ship at a time," and that is the answer to your question.

    I would point out that although whites did intrude upon China, they did not do so in anything like the numbers that the Chinese now intrude upon us, yet the Chinese still referred to us as "White Devils." Racism is a two-way street.

  2. people fear what they do not know yet  it's a common thing among working class and middle class people but rarely felt among the richer and wealthier class  millionaires

  3. honestly, i am right there with you. I dont know why some people think being racist and sexist are reasonable, but its just plain old BS.

    I once completly ran over a kid on the playground and football tackled him to ground when i was littler because he was being stupid. one good thing was that no one really liked him anyway, so i got many high fives for that.

    dont watch the negative videos on youtube, or read stereotypical articles or whatever....just ignore them. it will just make you angrier, and people will just discriminate on you becauise they'll say, "oh that dude got really angry at us. i bet all the other ones will get mad too. Bleh!"

    just tell those people to get a life!

    work it!

  4. If you hate them back, you're exactly the same as them you know?

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