
Why are there so many haters when it comes to McCain?

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I'm voting for McCain, but that doesn't mean I hate Obama.Why do the haters always seem to have some fringe web link attached to their answer instead of a trusted source? Is it that you are linking McCain to Bush? I will be the first to agree that Bush screwed up. But why are YOU so mad? Did Bush make you go hungry? Did you lose your job because of his leadership? Has your life or your finances taken a turn for the worst because of Bush? Were you denied health services? Were you denied an education? We have it pretty good in this country regardless who is President. What has your Democrat majority Congress done to make your life better? Just remember, the President doesn't have sole authority! Good luck to Obama and McCain. Both have a tough road ahead...

Thank you all for your answers!




  1. Have you looked at Y/A lately?

    Obama haters post crazy lies about Obama at least 50 times a day.

    There are more lies posted about Obama than anyone else.  

    McCain's incompetence is only being brought to light just a tiny bit on this board.

  2. singing bomb bomb bomb Iran did not help much nor did his bash adds !!!! I don,t hate him but I don,t hate A-Jad of Iran either!!!

  3. Try not having your voice heard for 8 years, then be called a communist, then have people telling you to leave the country, questioning your patriotism, saying your belief system is a mental disorder, and see how you feel about it.

  4. I think Hate is a strong about confusion...see my question 5 minutes ago...;...

  5. ask the family's of the dead soldiers Has your life taken a turn for the worst because of Bush? =McCain ..a clone .............

  6. You're so right, I don't see any Obama haters around here at all.

  7. McCain isn't Bush, but the Republicans cannot be allowed to rule another 4 years.  The conservative policies on economics only work in strong growing economy.  It creates too many "have-nots".  They may be the angry ones but I thing this web site is full of kids who talk trash.

  8. McCain and republicans open 'pandora box' by starting lies and idiotic personal attacks on Obama. McCain is getting now what he deserves - no respect whatsoever. Nasty lies about McCain are fair and will serve the truth well now in bringing a balance to universe.

  9. Maybe we're all hating on him because he'll lead us into another war and die half way through it and that's when the $hit will hit the fan. The fan being our nation.  

  10. He is a grumpy old man who own 7 homes and is completely out of touch with America. He graduated lower in his class that Bush did. He cheated on and divorced his first wife because she became crippled. His participation in the Keating 5 scandal proves his corrupt nature. He's been part of the problem with what's been going on since he votes with Bush 95% of the time. He has old fashioned views that don't apply anymore, and any newer ones he's came up with are because he read the polls. He's a war hawk with neoconservative foreign policy views, and admires d**k Cheney and Karl Rove. His campaign is made up of corporate lobbyists that got Bush elected twice. His campaign is based on lies, and they tell so many, they are actually starting to believe them. He is has serious anger issues, and would love nothing more than to push the little red button, and take out Russia, bringing us to Armageddon.

  11. Cause its the popular thing to do!  

  12. its called YouTube Youth my friend.  The 25 and under crowd is a hate filled anticapitalist, potsmoking, pro-european, america hating, anti-christian, pro-chavez, pro marxism, anti-jewish (they use the word zionism to mask their anti-semititism, they hate, and they hate and they hate.  Hate and rage fuel them.  Watch them at a "peace protest" them scream and get arrested, vandalize, and curse, and resort to violence.

    Call them youtube youth.  The "youtube" is more of a label-identifier symbolizing a bunch of lost stupid kids who skip school and surf the web, propogating hate and stupidity (look at how they give ludacris videos 5 stars) youth are a lost group of reprobates

    Youtube youth are degenerates

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