
Why are there so many laker haters on here?

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i dont hate the lakers i just hate kobe and most laker fans like MC




  1. why does someone keep asking this question..

  2. Their is only one laker hater with multiple accounts.  All the rest are Lakers fans that dominate this board and only 1 laker hater or kobe hater.

  3. im pretty sure most hate the kobe jockers fans not necessarily the lakers

  4. Just because you don't like a certain team doesn't make you a hater.  Are all Red Sox fans haters because they don't like the Yankees?  Are Laker fans haters because they don't like the Celtics?  The answer is no, they are not haters, they are good, knowedgeable fans.  I don't like the Lakers (and proud ot it), but I'm not a hater.  I'm just a basketball fan with a strong opinion.  Deal with it.

  5. im not really a laker hate since they are my 2nd favorite (clippers 1st) i dont talk trash on them because i been cheer for them during the playoff, the only time i hate the laker if when a laker fan is talking trash on my clipper -.-' other then that nah im not a hater

  6. Summer school is still out !!

    Kids go back to school next week and so will the haters!

  7. i dont hate the lakers but im not a fan im a rockets fans and we are gonna kick the lakers *** this year, its because people like other teams, everyone here isnt a laker fan

  8. because they think they're really bad. But personally I like the lakers and i love basketball.

  9. corey there is a difference buddy. your not just a fan when you ask questions like

    ''do the lakers wear purple and gold because their g*y?''- that is not being a loyal sports fan.

    that my friend is hating.

  10. Its fone to have you opinion about kobe,, im a kaer and kobe fan,, i respect what your saying but you have those haters that love to hate on the best,, they were prob never any good, had bad childhood memories, never was pick or got pick on and this is how they deal with it,,sad but true

  11. It's probably just one or two idiots with multiple accounts and no jobs whatsoever.

  12. most famous = most hated

    im 18 and i aint never heard of any die hard memphis hater!! or even jus your usual hater. no t-wolves haters, no raptors haters not that that many boston haters niether. but when it comes to the greats - kobe/lakers theres a whole lotta them. jus like how jay-z was the most hated back in his time. same thing. btw thers some reallllly bored fruits in here that got multiple accounts so realy if yu cancel them out.. thers more laker fans up in here. includin yurs truly

  13. most people dont like the lakers if they dont like kobe personally i dont mind the lakers

  14. cuz of kobe

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