
Why are there so many low lives on youtube?

by Guest31751  |  earlier

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Ive only commented on a few things, not said nothing horrible just a normal comment and almost every time some jumped up idiot has something nasty to say back, ive never gotten that anywhere before except youtube. Im not worried about it but it has just put me off youtube a lot, have you ever had the same? Is this the usual treatment or something? And the other thing, its full of nothing but.. "copy paste this on to 10 videos or the tree monster will come and rape you" something or other LOL




  1. because they have nothing better to do besides make youtube videos

  2. It might be nasty to them Ok. We have got some kind of people,

    if you ask them what's the colour of Bush's white house, They will tell you it is a black and with reasons knowing full well what the colour is. So you can see how controversial people are.

    Just take it like that or change id on youtube to give a comment.

  3. It's normally a group of immature teenagers sitting sharing a pack of sweets, giggling and snorting at a 'clever comment' they've left someone

    Or a person who is full of anger and must see a therapist, aha!

  4. because that's where they went when the spammers took over the normal chats rooms i.e. yahoo,msn, and icq.

  5. It's the perfect place for low lives to play their games. I've made a few comments, not that many, but I've been surprised how many people have taken the time to make polite replies too.

  6. yeah i know the type, they'll pick a fight over anything - or nothing

    not all youtubers are like this, so just ignore these lowlifes

    i usually just give the comment a thumbs down and then forget about it

    if you've said nothing wrong or insulting you shouldn't get upset over it

    don't let them put you off a great site, you have as much right as they do to use it (unfortunately there's no way of getting rid of them)


  7. There are so many sad little people with nothing better to do with their lives.

    They are not happy unless they are being NASTY to somebody.

    Let them get on with it, & know yourself,  that you are better.

    Now I'm orffffff to church NOT.

    Have a nice day

  8. Rise above them. Someone said to me yo momma, and I was like Oh no you didn't insult my momma and wrote back lol. Most of the time I just let it go.

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