
Why are there so many more high school volleyball teams for girls than there are for boys?

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From my understanding most high school athletic programs have high school volleyball teams for girls but much fewer for boys. If there are often boys and girls teams for track, swimming, or tennis, than why not volleyball? I played high school and it sure can get be physically demanding.




  1. it seems like girls are more interested in volleyball, while boys seem to stick to baseball, basketball, football, etc. it's really kind of disappointing because i know many guys who play volleyball well, but they don't have many choices in college to play. you should talk to your coach about programs for volleyball. i'm sure he or she would have some contacts.

  2. Well i think that boys want to play a sport that requires more movement while girls can just stand in a spot and try to hit the ball and also they dont sweat and as boys i guess they want sports that require sweating. Well i love the game of volleyball

  3. Volleyball is a WOMANS sport. I never understood why a boy or a grown man would ever play volleyball, it's effeminate. Leave volleyball to the women please thanks =)

  4. Because females are generally better at volleyball. <<<---- my opinion. Anyways, I do agree it's kind of weird because women can play on school football teams but men can't play on girls volleyball teams. It does seem relatively weird they do that. But everything always used to be all about the guys. that made me mad!

  5. Until recently, volleyball was seen as a girls sport. When I was in high school (about 20 years ago) there was a girls team and no boys team. Around my junior year they started a boys volleyball club, but I don't know if that ever developed into a team.

  6. why are there so many more football teams for boys, then girls?

    plenty of girls like football to!

  7. Boys have football.

    Technically though I believe if they have no boys volleyball team your allowed to try out for the girls

    Or at least I know since theres no girls football girls can try out for it.

  8. Cuz it's a girly sport?


  9. I guess they figure that the guys get the football so the girls get the volleyball!  Football is more macho, so to speak.  I personally think they should do a co-ed volleyball team.

  10. I think it goes all the way back to the origin of the sport. I remember hearing that it was initially invented for girls, as a non-contact sport at Mount Holyoke, Mass, USA. Upon a little looking, it appears that might not be entirely right. Several sources say it was invented in Holyoke, Mass but not at the (girls) college. It was created by Wm Morgan at a YMCA. Wikipedia doesn't mention gender as the inspiration but  rather age. "Mintonette (as volleyball was then known) was designed to be an indoor sport less rough than basketball for older members of the YMCA, while still requiring a bit of athletic effort." eZine says, ""[it] was created for business men as a game that involved less physical contact..."

  11. because of title IX, boy and girls must have the same amount of sports programs, the boy have football so the schools need something to offset that which is usually volleyball.

  12. Perception of volleyball being a girls only sport is silly and unfounded. with just a little research outside the United States, you will find volleyball is a highly competitive, widely played sport for both men and women. In Canada, most high schools have varsity boys volleyball programs. In Utah, the Salt Lake City school district has competitive volleyball for junior high boys AND girls. It is a sanctioned BOYS sport in California, Arizona, Nevada, Hawaii, Missouri, New Jersey, and many other states. There are club boys teams coast to coast - I played for Twin Peaks volleyball club back in the late 1980's in Utah. There are professional indoor volleyball leagues all over Europe and South America. The USA men's teams just finished qualifying for the next Olympic games in a series of international indoor tournaments. search You tube for Men's Volleyball. In sources below, I will give you a link to info from the USA Volleyball site about men's college volleyball programs...

  13. 1. What they said.

    2. And Title IX (equity in sports)

    Title IX causes a lot of schools to drop men's volleyball to counter balance football and wrestling.

  14. No one wants to see a bunch of dudes jumping around.  The women that play volley ball are always fit and s**y.

  15. I think girls are more interested in volleyball then boys for the majority

  16. Its because there is a crazy stereotype out there that vollyball is a g*y sport.  Guys are scared about being perceived as g*y by their classmates, so nobody wants to play. Thats how it was in my high school at least

  17. Boys in general prefer contact sports.

  18. 1> There is not enough funding;

    2> There are not that many fans for boy's volleyball;

    3> There are not that many good coaches who can take a "boy's school team" to those competitive games and stay competitive. This is in comparison to those club teams who has better way to get money in and can hire a good coach.

  19. one of the same reasons there are not girl wrestling teams.

    It is all about funding and what the mojority of the school wants.  just be glad there are any sport at your school.  Alot of schools around here a dropping sports because of funding issuse

  20. Why are there so many more high school football teams for boys than there are for girls?

  21. For the same reason there is usually boys football but not girls football.

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