
Why are there so many more women than men in Russia?

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Why are there so many more women than men in Russia?




  1. Because Russia lost 60% of men over 20 years age in WW2...

  2. A lot of the men were killed by the German army  when the German army tried to overrun Leningrad  and Moscow. And it's still taken a long time for the male population to catch up.

  3. World War II. Russia lost many soldiers during the war from the attacks by Germany to the full-scale attack on Berlin.

    And I'm cool with the fact that there are more women in Russia. Its better than China.

  4. Russia's population is dropping by about 700,000 a year and has fallen below 143 million, a demographic crisis blamed on the economic turmoil that followed the Soviet collapse. The population decline would be even more catastrophic were it not for immigration.

    After the Soviet collapse millions of russian man migrate to United States and Europe, now in USA there are millions of russian people New York, New Jersey, San Francisco, Washington DC etc, the first wave to migrate were man and that is why the population in Russia is like 6 woman and one with the new rules of inmigration in EU the ex soviet republics now part of the EU are the cheap labor for EU that is why EU dont need or dont want more turkish people... and who are working now in EU Russian russian people are cheap labor in United States too for summer tons of russian cheap labor work in hotels restaurants, clean service, etc..

    Sad but is the reality life....

  5. I think there are more women than men in the whole world actually.

  6. Because the life expectancy for a Russian male is about 10 years less than that of a female.

  7. Because Russian women eat their mates alive after they mate.

    Seriously, those women are tough.  I saw one use a leaf as a band-aid.  I felt like a wuss around them.

    I feel much more manly back in America.

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