
Why are there so many overweight Army Wives after they have kids?

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why is it that women will have children and then never lose the weight? (the weight that their doctor says should only be an extra 200 to 300 cals a day) Why don't many seem to care? Not all women do this I understand, but many do keep the weight on (i see this allot more with Army Wives on the base). It is possible to get back in shape after a pregnancy , i did. so whats the deal? You all know deep down you dont like the weight and deep down your husbands don't either. Everyone has an hour to excercise and everyone has the capibility to say "no" to that donut and grap a piece of fruit, ect. Seems like you all have the excuse that you are donating to much time to your kids and have absolutly no time to excercise. Well, kids take naps, kids go to bed, and kids play outside. So there is plenty of time to get off your butt and work out for only an hour and eat right. Every where i look on the bases I go to are overweight Pregnant Wives and overweight mothers.




  1. This has nothing to do with Army wives.  This has to do with women's bodies and what they tend to do.  It's hard work losing weight.  I've done it but it took all the energy I had and I can totally see when women are alone raising kids that they have NO energy left to exercise.

    Plus women generally get more round after there teens (look at pictures hundreds of years ago).  Women carry weight for survival purposes.

    The problem really comes when the society thinks you should be a size 3.  Marilyn Monroe was a size 12 right?  That is the average women now prior to giving birth.

    Take care.

    Hey- I was going to email you but it says you won't let anyone.  I've lost all the weight from 3 children in 4yrs but I haven't toned up.  I know that cardio would do it but I don't have time.  You seem to think everyone has an hour and maybe you can give me a tip or two on when to do it.  I'm up at 5:30am to get my hubby off to work and I clean our big house and do laundry the first half of the day.  The second half after I put our baby to sleep and do lunch I spend either gardening, teaching the older kids stuff or whatever else to do like prepping for dinner.  By the end of the long day and get the kids in bed by 8:30 then I'm tired and just want to snuggle with my hubby and watch a movie or something.  Any tips?  I tried doing a workout at home with the kids right there but they want to join in and stuff and it always ends up being a joke:)

    Sorry this is so long, that is why I wanted to email you.  Let me know if you have ideas... thanks.

  2. funny, you'd think we would all look tiny from your high horse....

  3. I see just as many overweight men out there and they don't even have the excuse of having had babies.

    How many kids have you had, and how old are you?  I'm 36, and have had three kids - and I'm definitely still hanging onto a good 10-15 pounds of extra "baby weight".  I'm assuming you're on the younger side and have only had one kid from the way you're talking.  Come talk to me when you're pushing 40 and have had several more kids.

    And my husband finds me just as attractive now as he did pre-kids.  Sure, I'm sure he wouldn't mind if I suddenly had the body of a supermodel, but it doesn't seem to be bothering him much now.  Besides, its not like he's in tip top shape anymore either.  But I find him just as attractive.

    I don't see your point of singling out Army wives.

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