
Why are there so many prescription drug commercials on TV?

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Prozac, Zoloft, Viagra, Paxil...It's hard to watch TV without seeing a dozen of them. Do we need these drugs? Have we ever needed these drugs?

We, as Humans, have been around for hundreds of thousands of years and we've never needed synthetic drugs to survive and propagate.




  1. The world is crazy. That's why.

  2. Let your p***s stop working and ask me if we need viagra!!!!  Depression is real, and there's a good chance you or someone you know is or will someday suffer from it.  It physiological, that's why the medication makes it better!!!  Because you actually have a problem.  And yes, while it's true we, AS HUMANS,  have been around for thousands (in reality it more like millions, but anyway) of years and have gotten by most of that time without medications to survive and sure increased our life span didn't it?  Look at the life span of an adult in the world 100 years ago before the advent of modern medicine, and then let me know how you feel about drug therapy.  One more thing, one day, and this is a PROMISE, the only standing between you life, or death, will be these chemicals you have so much hostility towards.  Of course your tune will be a little different on that day, and every day after i'm sure.

  3. Some of those drugs do prolong life, and some make it better. But the reason you see all those ads is that they work. The drug companies spend tons of money on advertising, because the drug companies are nudging for market share in a market segment that has huge piles of money in it.

    One of the "dirty little secrets" of the pharmaceutical industry is that most of the money they spend on research isn't for drugs that do something new, but for new drugs that do the same as a competitor's.

  4. big money $$$


    No we have never needed synthetic drugs before and in most cases, we still don't need them.  

    What should have been developed for a minority has developed into a one-size-fits all and sold to the majority.

    What also bothers me is that  the advertising campaigns are not only aimed at the public.  Practicing doctors, who have little time to keep up with the research, are constantly bombarded by these prescription drug companies and offered all kinds of 'incentives'.  In my opinion, that is even more wrong than advertising on television.  Although I suspect the marketing approach is two pronged.  Get the people to refresh the doctor's mind about a particular drug.

    Drugs induce a false state of being, regardless of the type.  When you have pain, your body lets you know.  IMHO, many drugs merely mask the problem.  I also think that drugs like prozac, etc... induce a zombie-like state.  There are other, more serious drugs which have a high potential for abuse and are, in fact, frequently abused.  Fentanyl, for example.

    For my family, I feel much more comfortable with using natural remedies with known elements that have been used century after century than I do about using anything synthetic.  We've seen time and time again drugs removed from the market because of side effects or outright dangers not discovered until years later.  

    I feel the same way about organic food and water.  We use a whole-house filter for showering, etc.  And consume only natural water and foods while at home.  

    My family's health is more important to me than some company's bottom line and I having known quite a few people with cancer, including my husband (who is a chemist), I feel quite strongly about keeping chemical contaminants out of my household.

  5. No we do not need drugs to survive and propograte our species.  Drugs do give us better quality of life and longer life spans though.  Before the discovery of antibiotics around 100 years ago human life span was dramatically shorter than the current 70-80 years we currently enjoy. Without medical intervention humans would likely have a life span of about 30 years.  That is more than enough time for a person to have children, raise them to child bearing age which is all that is necessary to perpetuate a species.

  6. It is  a  huge  market.  We  now  live  many  years  more  then  before.  Person's  suffered  before, especially mental patients. We can  now  control  some  of  these  disorders if  meds  are  taken.   Also  now  we  are  encourage  to  ask our  Dr  about  this  or  that  drug  instead  of  whatever  they  decide  to  do.

    A   sad true  story  comes  to mind,  movie  written  about called,   A  brilliant  mind.  This  man  was  extremely  intelligent, even  able  to break codes  during  the  war  but  became  schizophrenic. Today  he  could  of  been  treated.

  7. I agree and disagree with you. As someone who has lost a relative to suicide, I beg to differ that antidepressants are unnecessary. Some people have had a hard time in life and need to change the way they think, while others have real chemical imbalances in their brain. Just because antidepressants and other drugs are relatively new, doesn't mean that we were better off without them. Two hundred years ago, if you were depressed the doctor would have you hole up in your room, which of course is just going to make you worse.

    But I agree that pharmaceutical advertisements should not exist. If you have a medical problem, you should go to the doctor, and the doctor can tell you what your options are. But ads encourage you to "ask your doctor" about some new drug that hasn't had any long term studies, and could even convince some healthy people that they actually are not healthy and need drugs.

    If I'm remembering correctly, we are one of the only countries that allow pharmaceutical advertisements. It's not right.

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