
Why are there so many questions here about the origins of the Lebanese?

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  1. The Lebanese are just  Middle Eastern people, some have other roots, but their Arabic heritage is the strongest one. I am not surprised why they wouldnt want to be associated with being an Arab, as to be real here, being an Arab is not seen as a good thing abroad. Some of them deny their Arab heritage due to this factor, but universally speaking around the world they are known as Arabs.

  2. Why are you asking this question? why do you care?

  3. I dont know but they are all Arabs to me.

  4. they're just jealous ..

    were the perfect combo !!

  5. Because our s**y meter is through the roof.

    s**y meter rating of the average person = 2.3

    s**y meter rating of the average lebanese = 10.0 (perfect score)

    What combination of below average s**y people could have produced a perfectly s**y nation? Not possible. Therefore, there's much discussion on where all these perfect s**y people came from.

  6. because these people are so annoying that you can't have a normal conversation with them in real life.

  7. Well 50% are Christians that might be the reason. People are curious to know why a country that once has a Christian majority is in the middle of the Muslim world.

  8. I never think about it but thank you for asking ,,, the answers surprise me !!!

    for those who feel ashamed from their origin

    i will give you simple example .. French and American ...look how they look to each other and how they describe each other ! they always criticize each other ...

    what i want to say is ...

    what other say about you is their opinion not the truth about you it is their opinion

  9. Coz they're done with the whole world .. now is Lebanon's turn ..

    ... they're bored ..

  10. I agree with the first answer! Being an arab is not something good these days. I hate saying this cuz i am half Arab myself, but i have travelled abroad and i know, its sad and people always find a way to deny it, but it is the truth and its out there and it exists. Arabs have very negative outviews not only in the West but in Latin America, Asia, Russia..etc.. This is why some Lebanese people want to dissassociate themselves with that, and try to find way to deArabize themselves with, saying they "phoenician", have more "mediteranean' culture. When the truth is, they are Arabs, and their culture has far more affinities to Syrian, Jordanian culture, than Mediterranean ones. Universally, Lebanese people are seen as Arabs with a Middle Eastern culture.

  11. My friend, it called the 'Roots'... and every one is interested to find the roots of their 'Gene Tree'.

    Those young and curious minds who are not fully acquaint with history will be asking these questions in the Lebanon and other categories about their roots.

  12. I love arab people

  13. As you can see many are in a state of unreality. One guy says their s*x meter is off the charts. We all know if someone is s**y its usually other people that are telling them that, not them telling other people they are s**y. What we have here are a bunch of people living in a state of unreality.

    Sorry but the first answer is 100% wrong, not all lebanese are arabs, remember the phoenicians were here long before the invasion of muhammads armys that brough the non levant arabs into lebanon and other countries. The phoeicians are not genetically arab and thats a fact, but some cannanites are genetically arab. Remember the phoeniocians are the native lebanese in teh same way the american indians are the original americans. Take that to the bank

  14. woww so much hatred here..

    for all those haters in this category, why do u bother u so muchh? why do u come in the leb categoory and criticise us? and MOST IMPORTANTLY, why do u care so much??

    the answer to all of the aboveis: (refer to lebanese cheese) lol ur just JEALOUS!!

    all these americans, greeks and even some shameful lebanese come here and are sooooo interested in what us LEBANESE have to say..sso therefore ,  U WANNA BE US! HAHA

    lol the answer is we are interested in our origins and ur not ..we have kept our tradition and others havent..and that adds to the jealousy

    seriously, people coming here and critising us is IN ACTUAL FACT a COMPLIMENT to us

    so to all the haters out there ..THANKYOU!


  15. i think the reason is similar to some tunez argelian and morrocan people..whenever you ask them if they are arabs you will get an inmediatly answer like: "i am not arab i am bereber"

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