
Why are there so many questions on here about black people?

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I love learning about different cultures, and totally get that people are curious about certain races...but why is it that the "Society and Culture" section is dominated with questions about black people?

Why black people speak like this, why black people act like that, why black people date outside their race, why black people disown Obama, is Obama black, do black people think other races are racist, do black people fancy *insert race*...

It's crazy..are black people that different from everyone else that we need constant scrutiny and analysis? Maybe i dont understand because im




  1. I guess its cuz u can ask anything, im white and i was stunned at all the racism ive seen on here towards black people. Ive seen the N word too many times people are mean. i dont get it but the rants must make these losers feel good or somethin.

  2. People have a lot to say about blacks & it's not always good things either.

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