
Why are there so many "cellar dwellers" in this day and age ?

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It is time to grow up kids and leave your Mommy and Daddy




  1. I take my job as a parent (stay at home mom) very serious. I have had 18 years with each of my 4 children ( ages are now 38, 29, 27, &19) to prepare them to be an adult and give them the tools they will need to begin living as productive, law abiding, tax paying, independent adults. Those that chose to go to college were more than welcome to continue living at home. Those that chose to go to work knew that they were also choosing to move on.

    We cripple our kids when we buy into how hard it is out there. It is always going to be hard to make it for every new generation. So they must learn to be resourceful. For example, my oldest son moved out and shared an apt. with 4 of his high school friends. If we do our job right they will make it just fine. I have found that when they hit a rough spot it is easier to just kick them a few bucks to help them til things pick up than it is to let them move home. REMEMBER, the ultimate test to being a good parent is KNOWING WHEN TO LET GO.

  2. Because there are so many parents who failed at the job they wanted....raising children.  So many parents these days have spoiled their children and have failed to teach them how to be self-sufficient.  So many parents do for their kids instead of teaching the child how to do for himself/herself.  The strongest children will rebel against the oppression of the parents and find their own way, but the weakest simply settle in for the long haul...seemingly unable to break free.

    Sad, isn't it.

  3. The reason there is so many is because the Parents Allow it to Happen!

  4. LOL yeah, spoken like a true(mental) teenager.. I have a 20 and a 21 year old that still live at home. They each pay $300 a month and all of their own bills. They know that if they tried to move out right now, they'd starve. Families with 2 working parents are drowning these days, how do you expect 20 year olds to do it?

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