
Why are there so many requests for names for triplets on Y!A?

by  |  earlier

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Chances of spontaneous triplets, in the US:

1 in 8100 for white women, 1 in 9800 for black women.

So why is there a triplet name question nearly every day?




  1. because it is harder to find names for triplets, so more people need advice. also, a lot of people repost questions.

  2. they are liars, Why else does every one have multiples

  3. There are in increased amount of troll activity in the parenting section these days...


  4. i think people just say that for the heck of it. just so people can say OH MY GOSH, YOU BUSY MOTHER!

  5. They just want "matchy" names... for their own interest... maybe planning for their future children. Whatever, I don't mind answering. It's kinda fun, actually!

  6. people get bored.

  7. I agree with the first question, maybe people have one name, but do not have any backups for their other kids-to-be. Think about it - do you have three favourite names?

    Also, with your haste question about the two weeks thing, you might want to consider that people have been racking their brains for their own ideas for names aand have used Y!A as a last resort. Also, many questions are "Which names do you prefer? 'A' or 'B'?" other questions are such as "How do you think the name 'blah' sounds with my second name?" or opinion asking questions.

    Perhaps you should look harder at the questions you are questioning.

    Hope I helped.

  8. probably oot of curiosity...

  9. 1 in 8 posters are trolls?

  10. People are curious.  Should this ever happen, they'd be well-prepared.

  11. Because there's a bunch of little kids on here who think it would be fun to have triplets or quads when they grow up.

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This question has 11 answers.


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