
Why are there so many side effects to antidepressants?

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Why are there so many side effects to antidepressants?




  1. because antidepressants are made up of different tables and u get all the side effects from them.

    hope that helps u


  2. Because antidepressants are DANGEROUS drugs, that's why.

    The doctors are like "try this one for a week for two, and if it doesn't work we'll have you try this other one here - we'll eventually find the right one and the right dosage for you"

    What a bunch of malarkey - don't believe it - Do safe drugs have all those possible side effects?? When was the last time tylenol made you lose interest in your girlfriend or get super mad over nothing?

    Antidepressants are a lie created for MONEY - LOTS of money.

  3. I have the same ******* question about my anti-depressants D<

  4. It seems that your drug may be your problem.

    Antidepressants are very aggressively marketed, but not well understood. They all act in some way interfering with your body's processing of a neurotransmitter (often Serotonin) but there is no real understanding of why that would make anyone feel better. Serotonin is a chemical involved in everything from balance to hunger to sexual arousal, and these drugs affect Serotonin all through your body.

    It is also important to know that they do not outperform placebos is trials. You can read more about that on this WebMD article

    There are alternative therapies, such as improving your diet, getting more sunlight and exercise. Therapy has been shown to be very effective for depression with the negative side effects. You can read about phone counseling on my site  

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