
Why are there so many <span title="non-vegitarians/non-vegans">non-vegitarians/non-vegan...</span> in this section?

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Why do people go out of their way to insult vegans/vegitarians?

Educate yourselves and go away! Humans DO NOT NEED meat or any animal by-product to maintain a healthy life.




  1. I am an omnivore,but I think that Vegans/Vegetarians deserve to be treated with repect and people need to show some maturity and try to respect other lifestyles.

  2. Because those that come here to insult people of that lifestyle are seemingly bored of their meaningless lives, so they have to direct their anger on to people they disagree with.

  3. I agree. I hate when people come on and say things like that. Especially when young teens ( like me ) come and ask questions about being a vegetarian ( I&#039;m currently a lacto-ovo and hoping to be a vegan soon ). If I ask for tips about it, non vegetarians come on and say that I&#039;m too young to be a vegetarian and I need meat if I want to &#039; develop properly &#039;.

    These people need to educate themselves before they come on and make up their answers. The vegetarians are the ones who know what their talking about.

  4. My Theory:

    Many of the responses from Non-Veg*ns in the &quot;Vegetarian &amp; Vegan&quot; sub-forum aren&#039;t from people who intentionally come to this sub-forum to harass. Instead, whenever a question is asked it instantaneously appears on the main &quot;Answers&quot; page that lists every new question. Therefore, many people read and answer questions, on the main &quot;answers&quot; page, moments after the questions are asked. This is how we end up with so many &quot;trolls.&quot;

  5. i really don&#039;t know

    i m a vegetarian and think people are really mean about vegetarians. People pick on me all the time about it. I think they are insecure because they wish they could stand up and fight for what they believe in like vegetarians do.

  6. Comedy, mostly.  Animals have thoughts, feelings and GOALS?!  Oh man, the first time I read that, I almost fell off of my chair laughing.

    Plus, it amuses me to read all of the whiny children on here that are upset because mommy and daddy won&#039;t let them explore a new fad.

  7. You also appear in the general &quot;Food and Drink&quot; section, that is probably why you are confused, thinking you are limited strictly to your own little corner.  Try not to take it so personally.  Everyone is entitled to their own opinions, but their opinions are not going to change your life in any way other than make you angry if you allow it to.

  8. doesn&#039;t really sound like a question, more a rant.  Many questions here are not only answerable by vegetarians.  The vegetarian diet is a subset of the omnivore diet.  So many Omnivores can answer questions related to the veggie part of diets.

  9. because there are recipe ideas here that I use for my restaurant.

    because I want to.

    because this forum is not yours

    Forget nutrition and lifestyle issues. You need to educate yourself on something as basic as free speech and freedom of expression.  Not to mention rules of ownership.

    You may also want to read the guidelines as your question is in violation. In that regard, Yahoo may decide that you don&#039;t belong here either and delete it entirely.

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